Sketch 3: Multimodal (Ideation and Low Prototype)

PDF version: Sketch3

Sketch preview on ring device.

Paired up with Audrey and we decided to go towards the touch ring idea. Combining her script on communication from processing to arduino by serial, I was able to stimulate the ring using 3D touch in zigsim, showing how the ring at the receiving end would show the respective led light colours.

Sending one’s state of mind got me thinking of conversations, and how putting thoughts to words was always a challenging process to me. Especially after an awkward conversion, or after a spat with a loved one, making the first move to reconcile or continue the conversion would be very hard so the idea of a device to assist such moment comes to mind.

Further improvements can be:

Types of touches can be further explored/experimented (double tap, swipe)

Types of the feedback can be further explore/experimented (audio, light colour or sequences/patterns)

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