Sketch 4: AR (Ideation and Low Prototype)

PDF verison: Sketch4

Sketch preview on AR.

Paired up with Audrey and we decided to go towards the hide and seek idea, envisioning markers around a space and you have to find them to find your digital friends! Wanted to further expand what was learnt in class, from triggering the visibility of the face filter, to triggering a “found” function instead, to show you found the digital character (also played around with the particle system). Decided to go for an Easter egg hunt theme for this low prototype, where you have to click on the egg to show you found the bunny (with the egg unable to be triggered back on again even tapping the screen the second time).

The thought of AR got me thinking of how it kind of combines or ties fictional and reality together, and in a sense brings life to objects. This to me kind of blurs out that line giving this grey area where we can interact with these digital objects as if they exist. So with that, it was the exploration of ideas on how using this grey area, whether the need for objects be it real life or digital.

Further improvements can be:

Multiple targets (more characters)

Implementation of animated 3D characters (more immersion)

Scoring system or number system (show number of characters found, or characters that left to be found)

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