Illustration Assignment 1: Spark AR Filter Design

Spark AR Project Description

You are to create an illustrated portrait using the facemask technique in SPARK AR STUDIO. Exploring the concept of visual narrative, you will create a stylized self-portrait by illustrating an AR filter to represent your personality. Consider how you can best represent yourself in order to express personality and unique characteristics. The idea is to communicate who you are as an individual and as an illustrator; experimenting with stylization. Focus is encouraged towards a more stylized interpretation rather than a realistic drawing.

  1. Research & Inspiration

To begin with the project, I research other creative’s works on Spark AR. These are some of the imagery inspirations I have collected for my mood board. I wanted to go for a more comic hand drawn stylisation to reflect on my personality.

2. Artist Statement / Sketches

I asked myself a few questions to interview myself

What are the 3 emotions that I want to frequently experience this year?

1. Happiness, Carefree life without judgement 
2. Giggling, Making funny jokes and moments with friends 
3.Peace, Being comfortable to stretch out of my usual zone

What are 3 things I want to achieve this year?

1. Exploring a new style of illustration 
2. Take life at a slower pace
3. Spend more time with family and friends
Keywords that I conclude to:

Carefree, Ability to adapt to various situations, Onwards Positivity in life, full of motion and joy, interaction with friends, loving and caring.

I created a series of small character humans to represent the different sides of me. Each figure represents a different outlook on life— representing happy-go-lucky, hugging poses to cherish yourself, marching with a positive stance.

Tried various backgrounds but it was a little too distracting after adding multiple planes over the base face mesh. After playing with various colours, the mix of pastel blue, pink and yellow expressed the joyfulness and liveliness the best out of the rest of the pieces.

FaceMesh Design #1
FaceMesh Design #2
FaceMesh Design #3
FaceMesh Design #4


3. Exploration / Experiment 

Adding more plane layers to create a more interesting depth composition 

Creating a circular motion of the characters rotating around the face, using the spin function.


Final Illustration Artwork

This is how the illustration looks like when all the layers are stacked on top of one another. Each human plays a role in the composition, with the main core that is flowing to the centre of the face mesh.

Final Outcome


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Hi, I love mister donut

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