Forrest Gump – Research

The first thing that came into my mind is ‘ Pan’s labyrinth’. It is one of the top films I love. I tried to find quotes of different languages because there are so many films I like, and below are the quotes I am planning to use:

1.Pan’s labyrinth

” Entre los hombres, solo se hablaba del miedo a la muerte y al dolor, pero nunca de la promesa de la inmortalidad.”


Among men, there was only talk of fear of death and pain, but never of the promise of immortality.
 2. Pan’s labyrinth ( again )

” la vida no es como en tus cuentos de hadas, el mundo es un lugar cruel. “
Life is not like in your fairy tales, the world is a cruel place.
3.  Dallas Buyers Club,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg

” I prefer to die with my boots on. “


” To see with eyes unclouded by hate. ” ( Unable to find the original quote)
I also have some favourite Chinese films, but my favourite scenes are mainly those without much conversation.
Let’s see how this project will go~

RESEARCH on artists and art styles

I always love most of the artworks  showcased in Beautiful Bizarre Magazine.


It has an instagram account that posts contemporary artworks almost daily.

The style of the artworks usually give a very dreamlike feel, and they are all aesthetically pleasing to the eye also.
 This is one of my favourite art movements in history.
According to Wikipedia, Symbolism was a reaction in favour of spirituality, the imagination, and dreams. As the name suggested, Symbolism portray ideas through the use of symbols, and it emphasizes the meaning behind the forms, lines, shapes and colour.
Below are some of the symbolism paintings that I like:

The Priestess by Louis Welden

A Veil by Louis Welden

The scream by Edvard Munch


I shall try to use symbols in my composition to create a deeper meaning in them.


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