Instructional Performance: Common Sense

Giving someone directions can be a simple as telling them to go left or right, back or forward, to stop or continue.


But what if we reduced our words to abstract sounds? What specific movements would we associate to these sounds, and how many people would react the same way we do?

This is exactly what I want to find out in my instructional performance, Common Sense.


The instructions are pretty simple:

Listen to the audio being played, and let the sounds guide your movements.

You can do whatever movements you want in relation to the different sounds (e.g: jump, run, spin, freeze, etc.)


For this prototype performance, the main goal is to see if there are sounds that trigger common reactions in different people.

Below is a video of the prototype performance (ft. Fizal and Alina)!



It was quite interesting to see some of the similar reactions we had to the sounds. For example, fast paced beats got us to move around and add a bit more bounce in our steps, and when the audio stopped at points, our actions either froze as well or slowed down. It was also cool to see some moments where we ended up facing the same direction or stood in the same spot.

Overall, I think I can look more into different types of sounds and also see how elements within the space itself can affect the performance. A possible goal would be to create a sound track that manipulates participants into moving in a specific way; they think they are moving randomly, but may find out that many others reacted similarly too.

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