Ego – Research II

Colours is interesting and exciting and it is alive! We see it in our everyday life, and how it is applied in different aspects (e.g. make up, food, household items, furnitures etc). Colours are generally separated into two different tones – Warm & Cool.

It can be seen easily with the colour wheel. Warm tones colours are like red, orange, yellow etc. It makes you associate with warm things such as sunlight, which will evoke feeling of coziness. Cool tones are usually blue, purple, purple etc. Cool colours are associated with calming and soothing effect like the sea or water.


Some juxtapose examples of cool tones and warm tones:

The second image which has a warmer lighting (orange) evokes feeling of closeness and warmth more than the first image does with white bright lights and blue furnitures.

Cool and warm tones are also applied to make up applications, such as skin tone, hair colour, lipsticks etc.

However, when it comes to make up, the make up product used depends on whether one has a cool tone or warm tone skin colour. Hence, bringing it back to how the colour wheel works, it shows how certain colours are better suited for each other. The mixing of colour will affect the final look of the product.

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