Micro Project 2. Open Subservient Source

We are all slaves to social media; we use when we wake up, while we’re brushing our teeth, while we’re taking a dump, even when we are out with a date.

We are so accustomed to whipping out the phone that some of our pinky fingers have grown a bump to better grip the phone vertically. We evolved to become better subservient chickens for our followers, for the likes and for the gram!!!

Of course the next step would to be literally controlled by social media.

We subjected ourselves, blindly, to our followers, for the views and the likes. Pinned is instructions of what will happen and how they can contribute to this performance.

“Stream ends when we meet or 20 minutes are up. To take part, comment <Jake/Mavis> <action> get creative! :))))))”

Fortunately we were able to meet within 11 minutes even though there were hiccups! Friends who wanted for us to meet the objectives, sometimes giving inaccurate or vague commands that costs the game to become longer than it should. But some of our friends just want to make us suffer.

Artist Notes:
Honestly, we were expecting way worse. Without proper instructions, of course we won’t be able to jump into the pond but we were ready to risk it all(even prepared and came in slippers.) But we are glad we had friends who were supportive.

A take away was that perhaps our friends had their names featured in the stream, it could have pushed them to make decisions that would not harm our friendship. Should full anonymity be given, the result may turn out very skewed.

Executed and performed by Mavis Lim and Jake Tan

Micro-Project 3. Together Split

Having performed micro project 3 relatively near each other, we were able to coordinate to what we wanted to do whilst helping each other out.

Using Instagram’s video call system, we were able to set up a split screen conference of 2 x 2 frames. However, it was not easy to coordinate to visual performance because everyone’s screen was displaying frames that were uncoordinated. We had to decide on using my phone and I started screen recording.

The entire duration of the clip was 12minutes and only about 70 seconds worth of trimmed footage made it into the final cut.

Out of all the 3 Micro-Projects,

  1. The project that made me feel I had the most creative control was Project 2.
    I was able to work together with Mavis to clearly articulate what we wanted to do and improvised together and created a really interesting and engaging concept using social media to engage with our friends and followers.
  2. Project 2 gave quite an unpredictable outcome.
    Because of the nature of a social media piece like this, it was totally up to the audience on what we could do. This made it quite nerve wrecking because of its unpredictability. Luckily it was not that bad and our friends were nice.
  3. Project 2 for me best illustrates the concepts of Open Source.
    Having people on the internet control your every movement, is pretty much the open source movement that is seen commonly on reddit. Threads get taken over and become other things, subreddits come to live because of the people that take over it.