Thy Line art Emotional: THE SINS & VIRTUES

Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset


When I started this project, I wanted to tell a story.

A tale of light and dark because we’re never just white or just black.

We commit sins and perform acts of virtue without even knowing and project themselves as emotions.

On the right, we have the virtues of everyday life,the pure whites on black to show there is light in dark, there is good in even the worst.

On the left, we have the sins of man, the jet blacks taint the white to show even the good harbours evil.

Look carefully. Each emotion contains a different medium based on their characteristics.

Contentment X Lust
Calmness X Greed
Amusement X Pride
Courage X Fear
Patience X Wrath
Enthrallment X Envy
Triumph X Pride
Happiness X Sadness
Love X Hate

Look carefully. They contain visual similarities although they are complete opposites.

Maybe dark and light isn’t so different after all.