Self-Portrait (Final)


‘The only  constant in life is change’ ~Anonymous.

People always change. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.

Who I am 1 year ago is no longer the person I am now.

That being said, taking pictures of ‘objects of significance’ then can only tell the story of a certain phase of our lives.

But is the above statement necessarily true?

After thinking deep into this matter, I’ve managed to find things that are ‘constants’ in my life.

They’ve never changed since birth and never will.

Things that are timeless:


Time trapped in a jar. Time is being contained. Stopped.


Birth. The moment that I enter into this world. 30/10/1993, Male.



Aging. Little souvenir that quite accurately depicts the close relationship that my parents share. In recent years, my parents are experiencing a decline in their vision. But this is just the process of aging. Glasses represents the poor vision that is shared among my family. Which is a sign of aging.




Sickness. Blood type can never be changed. If I am B(+), then I am B(+) for life. Some say B(+) is the sweetest blood type. But those are not sweets. They are lozenges. This candy with medicinal properties depicts the idea of sickness, where we can never escape from no matter how healthy we live our lives.




Death/Loss. The most hated constant in life. This was the clay model that I ‘sculptured’ during the first ever lesson in ADM. I liked it. It broke. Many things in life, we lose them for good. Negative emotions arise. The more we lose the more these emotions overwhelm us.

Aging, Sickness and Death are constants in our lives. It brings us endless pain and suffering. However much we try we can never escape from it.

So then, do we fall into despair?


We acknowledge the presence of this pain and understand the urgency of spreading love.

Love. Compassion. Wisdom.




Love that illuminate the lives of others.

Love that spreads warmth and comfort.

Love that makes us see that there is hope in this world after all.

The gift of life is the most precious of all, treasure not only yours, but of others as well.

Below is a picture of the display that was to be put up in the ADM corridor. Rather new to the concept of photography so the picture arrangements came out bad. Nonetheless its still something.


Timelessness is depicted as being ‘above all that is constant’. The constants are supposed to be arranged in a wave-like shape to promote the idea of a ‘cycle’. And above it all, the idea of love. Love coming on top of things that are important in life.

I hope this explanation makes it better.

Thanks for reading! Managed to learn a lot from my peers. So much gratitude goes out to them. Will try harder next time! Go easy on me!


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