By The Way (Final)


by Clara, Katie, WanQing


By The Way is an interactive city guide with live news, weather updates and other interesting features like curated point of interests.

Through surveys conducted, it is revealed that train rides are unappealing. Hence, to  enhance the train ride experience, By The Way not only seeks to provide commuters a unique experience every time commuters board on the train, it also helps people (locals and tourists) to navigate their ways/ discover new places to go in the city.


To view the detailed proposal for ByTheWay, please click on this link for our final presentation slides:


The video attached contains the bodystorm process:

Final Animation

This is the final video made for ByTheWay:



By The Way

A project to design an interactive city guide in our MRTs.

Interface Design (Draft) 

Main Screen: 

Interactive landmarks and pop-up pins for point of interest.


Individual Tab Screen: 

Opens up when user taps on the landmarks on the main map.


Top Screen: 

Permanent banner that shows news headlines, weather forecasts and upcoming station.



First look (non-peak hour) : 


During peak hours, top banner will remain while the main map screen will stay as a window (through the use of glass screen)

Survey link: