Task 1B: Thoughts on “Dialogue with Time”

Briefly share your experience going through Dialogue with Time. What were some of the feelings, thoughts, challenges and insights gained while role-playing an elderly person? (150 words)

The Dialogue with Time interactive exhibition revolved around different aspects of ageing and some difficulties or challenges one may experience when enduring through that process.

I had visited the Science Centre myself and saw a video showing a gradual progression of a young girl ageing, the difference was almost unnoticeable until I noticed some drastic changes such as wrinkles, eye bags, etc. I believe this was one of the most important takeaways from the experience, that ageing is a slow process but then it’ll also happen in a blink of an eye where we do not realise it had happen. The exhibition consisted of several stations, Firstly we were in a room where we shared what the most valuable and rewarding thing would be after one retires and a retired volunteer sharing their experiences. This experience made me realise the importance of family and being surrounded by the ones you love. The other stations expanded on this and gave an interesting insight from the perspective of an elder.

Drawing on your experience, can you think and list some of the benefits inherent in the design research technique of role-playing? (150 words)

I find that the design techniques effective in conveying the intended message targeted to youths and the overall population. The overall structure and flow of the exhibition. It built up from our initial ideas of what we perceive ‘ageing’ to be and grew from there. I was impressed with how creative their stations were and how they drew from our different senses. For example the telephone station that had irregular intervals of clarity and disruption, drew upon our hearing. Similarly, with the opening of the door with shaky hands that would that describes the ailing body that ageing comes with. Through all these experience I learned that there are many obstacles that elderly face and more empathetic to my own grandparents. I was even forced to retire at the end of the exhibition, forcing myself to think what I would do. I was highly confused, sad and stressed that I have not thought of my own retirement plan, where in this day and age jobs are rapidly changing. The technique of role-playing is very effective in giving scenarios and putting ourselves in other people’s shoes.

Can you think of some contexts where role-playing can be useful to help discover and define design challenges or contribute to the development of design solutions? (150 Words)

I believe role-playing can be useful to help educate or influence a specific group of people into having a certain mindset or viewing something from another point of view. From placing one into another’s shoes and immersing themselves into them, they have a clear understanding of how they think, feel, react, etc. It can be especially useful when it is difficult to understand their perspective such as in the case of ageing. We are able to be empathetic towards their situation however we are not able to truly understand what they are experiencing until role-playing is put into place. This can also be relevant in a situation where a better understanding from the perspective of a handicapped group. From here we can develop solutions to help cater to them in whatever way possible.