Project 1 Que Sera Final Works

My name is

coursingriver-6-6And I am a Coursing River

My name is

typhoon-3-8And I am a Great Typhoon

My name is

fire-4-6 And I am a Raging Fire

My name is

moon-3And I am a Mysterious Moon

Mounted Workmounted2


To summarise this project, it was indeed a tough yet beneficial challenge to tie in messages to visuals.

The final over arching message for my visuals would be “it doesn’t matter if you’re male or female, you can be anything you want to be“.

I have made use of song lyrics from a song titled “I’ll Make a Man Out of You”, that came from Mulan, the animated feature. The particular verse goes like this:

[men] WE ARE MEN
We must be swift as a coursing river
[men] WE ARE MEN
With all the force of a great typhoon
[men] WE ARE MEN
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon
I am relieved to have eventually found a message that resonated with my stand. smile
Evidently, each of my design showcases the elements and are united with the use of the same colour schemes and side profiles. Equally proportioned Male and Female faces, represented by colours, were used to represent the equality between the genders.
As a believer of teamwork, I also see a sub-message that goes, “if everybody would work together, they can be anything they want to be” in my compositions.
In Coursing River, action is implied with flowing hair and air bubbles forming my names.
Similarly, in Great Typhoon, action is implied with the rotation of the faces, the background and my name.
In Raging Fire, my name was formed with fire and smoke is presented in both the foreground and background.
In Mysterious Moon, my name was ambiguously hidden and it replaces the eyes of the faces.
Agreeing to the feedback I have received, I believe I could have explored more with using colours in the Typhoon and Moon compositions as I did in the River and Fire compositions. Also, exaggerating the pull of the alphabets in the Typhoon composition.

The other feedback received includes the good use of proportions and unifying colours.

The reflection for this project can be found here, in the Progress update.

Published by

Shi Teng Wong

Galvanising unorthodox ideas is my anthem.

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