Infographic: Kranji War Cemetery Final

Tone: Solemn but not sad
Target Audience: Millennials
Message: Information on the Kranji War Cemetery
Concept: Reminiscent to the neon highlighter, war is something that we’ve mostly learnt in secondary school, but something that we never really remember. With this infographic, I bring information as reminders of the war, reminders of the lesser known war memorial and soldiers who fought for us.

Other than the information found online, I wanted to include my on site thoughts and observations as well. Being:

  • The difference between the War Cemetery, Military Cemetery and Memorial was something that I only found out after a more in-depth research
  • The serenity of the hill these graves lie on, how beautifully maintained the entire cemetery is
  • Who maintains the cemetery
  • The fresh flowers that were placed
  • I realised i didn’t know much about the war, and had no idea why they were names of mostly foreigners
  • This also led me to think how war was only a subject we learnt in secondary school and never remembered as I did my research
  • The cemetery register that was printed and available on site (rarely anywhere else you would see something shared like this laid out in the open for visitors?)
  • The other war memorials apart from the Singapore memorial – which commemorated other significant deaths.
  • It really felt like the organisation behind the war memorial tried to commemorate the soldiers individually as specifically as possible
  • Researching, I also realised how there were numbers everywhere and not all in one place – hence the inclusion of some statistics

Hopefully, the information I presented was good enough and conveyed well enough.

Reflection on this project is found on the Process post. (:

Link to Part 2 Zine:
Zine Process
Final Zine Images

Published by

Shi Teng Wong

Galvanising unorthodox ideas is my anthem.

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