Jeunory – Law

16 December, 2069

The winter is cold and I am about to give up.

Current Memory Span: 40/45 Days.


Was he always this messy? John thought to himself as he stares blankly at the pieces of paper wildly pasted all over the walls. What was he thinking when he was putting them up? Was he in a rush? Did it never occur to him during any of these memory spans to clean up? Perhaps this is the memory span to do it. To finally clean up and come up with a more systematic approach. A way that he could easily process what was going on in his next memory span. It was probably a good way to plough through all these damned notes too.

He glances at the red book, and decided that he can get to it after cleaning up. He was confident that he had 44 days left and he was going to spend the first day figuring things out.

He scavenged the space and made himself some coffee and food.


John set out to sort the notes in chronological order but quickly thought that past John couldn’t be such an idiot. If these needed to be in chronological order, he could have just kept a regular journal and wrote them in pages. Why were they placed this way? Maybe, just maybe, he couldn’t bother anymore since it was different waking up from each memory reset.

One would instinctively snap pictures of the room in it’s original state. But John knew he couldn’t. His gut told him that everything about this room had to stay secret.

He reviewed the notes he had collected on hand. This time, he was going to sort them in categories.

In the first category, Law:

Rule no. 1. Maintain a perfect, happy world.

That seems to be what makes this world work. It seems like the agenda of their ‘subtle’ propaganda, though not something that they outright announce. I know for a fact that life wasn’t always like that. Something must have happened… Something that no one, at least no citizens can remember.

The computer in the basement seems to know something, only if i could unlock the hidden contents.

I’ve also found out that I was, or am, something called a journalist. But in this world, in this day and age? News don’t come often. And when they do come, they’re all rainbows and butterflies. The kind of journalism I do is forbidden, but why?

The natural laws of this world: people forget. We all know this. Everyone has a memory span, something that is dependent on our lifespan.

For the sake of a longer memory span, people make life style changes. Oh, doesn’t that make this world more perfect? People live longer, people remember longer.

It is not a law, but is strongly encouraged, to follow the Routine Cards the Government issues. I wonder if that is indeed beneficial to society, or just another gimmick to make this world work.

It is an actual law to see the doctor when you feel sick.

Not sure why that sounds fishy. Healthcare is free, though.

Does the government really control where we live? How do they know who to place us with in the same household?

They call themselves enforcers. I was tortured, even though they know I won’t remember.

Finally, they threw me back into this cell at Bacon Street they call my home, they thought I fell asleep, they thought I won’t remember.

But I will stay awake to write.

It was the last day of this memory span and they finally caught me. But the room is still safe, my home is still safe. There’s still a lot to be investigated, but there’s new progress every memory span. Remember to keep track, document, and stay hidden.

Their watch will keep growing tighter.

The map is tattooed on my chest. This note has to stay hidden.

Is someone watching me?

Published by

Shi Teng Wong

Galvanising unorthodox ideas is my anthem.

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