Project 1: My Line is Emo (Process- Part 1)







For part 1 of this project, I first started with the experimentation of different mark making tools. I brought various items like, various types of sponges, brushes, velcros, markers, pens, spray bottles to try mark making.













I experimented with cross hatching, splatters, shapes and patterns using the mark making tools that i have brought. Of which, I learnt that sometimes some mark making tools would really surprise me with the types of marks that it can create. An example would be the U-shaped coconut fiber brush which gave the marks a fur like look.





















I was also given a chance to experiment with lino thus I started to carve out patterns on the lino print to create these marks.  It took me some time before I got used to cutting the lino using the cutting tools but it was a great experienced and really enjoyed being able to experiment mark making using lino!

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