Sound Art Interesting Finds

SSS / Shore Scene Soundtrack by Cevdet Erek.


SSS, the Shore Scene Soundtrack is about mimicking the sea, or imitating a very common piece of nature, by using 2 hands and a piece of carpet. The installation includes a recording mic and carpet, of which it is an interactive, ongoing project where viewers are invited to recreate the sound of the ocean by rubbing their hands on a piece of carpet.

I find this sound art installation to be simple but yet at the same time effective. Although the installation only consists of a carpet, it is able to produce the sounds similar to the sound of the sea. At the same time, it is interactive thus it gives the viewers a greater level of appreciation as they are able to be part of the creation process thus I feel that the viewers will connect to this work much better.


Game of Skill 2.0 by Christine Sun Kim


Christine Sun Kim was deaf since birth but often explores her unique subjective experiences with sound in her work.

Game of Skill 2.0 is an interactive piece where viewers were invited to touch a staff-like device attached to a Velcro strip hung above their heads. As they walked, dragging the device along the strip, a radio played sound at levels and speeds depending on the direction and speed of the participant.

This sound art installation really interests and intrigues me as, since the artist is deaf since birth, this would have meant that she has never heard actual sound but she still uses sound as part of her art installation. The audio from the radio would change depending on the participant thus each experience would vary. The participants would understand the meaning and idea of the artwork more easily as they are able to experience the installation first hand.

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