Art Histories II – Group Presentation Reflection

We had our group presentation today and I had a lot of fun sharing what I’ve learn about ceramic trade and maritime silk road with the class today.

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The Tang Shipwreck exhibition at the Asian Civilization Museum was more interesting than I first realized. It is fascinating how much you can learn about the past just base on what a 1,200 year old ship left behind – from trade, to production to modern archaeology.

I also enjoyed how the museum made use of technology by having an Virtual Reality app (download here). Another part we learned about exhibition that we didn’t include in the presentation are the spices, bronze mirror and silver and gold wares. I feel sorry for the captain that got his/her ship wrecked.


Beside the Tang Shipwreck, we also went upstairs and explore. We saw the Islamic collection, as well as the Buddhist and Chinese scholarship collection. It was fun as we actually understand and knows some of the exhibits there!


I always loved history in secondary school as I always feel that we can learn from the past so that we don’t repeat the same mistakes. I am glad there is art history in ADM and this module has taught me so much about the Asian side of civilization.

Our presentation slides can be viewed here!


1 comment

  1. Thanks Merlin for the reflection and the link!
    While mulling over your interesting presentation this weekend, I was thinking that your main point could have been about the crew. I faintly remember seeing some objects perhaps used by the crew. Few people focus on the crew and your presentation and this exhibition brought attention to this often ignored topic–good job!

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