Category Archives: Project 1 Que Sara: Research

DN1006 Assignment 1 – Research

For this assignment, we were supposed to create 4 typographic portrait compositions using our name, initials, or parts of those based on a probable future job or occupation.

I started identifying potential ideas by sketching out some thumbnails.

1 2 3

At the end, I decided on the following “occupations” for this assignment: Construction Worker, Police Officer, Architect, and Birdkeeper.

For the construction worker theme, I decided to explore making things (partially given that I am heading to Product Design as my major and that I really like hands-on work) and came up with the idea of using the ubiquitous “Danger – Keep Out” signs as a starting point:

To add on to the symbolism of this sign, I decided to include a related texture in the form of the metal hoardings commonly found at construction sites:

For the police officer theme, I decided to use the police cordon tape as an element:

I decided on a photographic method for this theme, which would then be based on a crime scene cordoned off with police tape. In this theme, I would replace the “POLICE” text with my name.

For the architectI explored the use of architectural blueprint-like drawings to illustrate my initials as part of the building… however, this would not turn out the way I hoped it would be, and so I decided to change it….. this is further explained in my Process post for this assignment!