4D II Individual Research – Controversial Artists of the 20th and 21st Century

As we embark on our final 4D project for this year of foundation, we were tasked to research on and write about 3 controversial artists of our selection, with “scandalous” works of either video or performance art installation.

*cue gasp*

Here are my 3 chosen artists:

1) Damien Hirst

Having already studied Damien Hirst during my times in junior college, I already knew how controversial an artist Damien was. Some of his most famous works include the submersion of corpses of animals submerged in a formaldehyde solution. The work seemingly has not many connections to its title, most of the time exploring on Hirst’s recurring theme of death, preserving the dead bodies. What made the works controversial, however, was the fact that Damien took a dead shark and submerged it into a preserving solution, and called it art. Many critics have argued against his contributions to the art world, and whether what he does can be considered art.

Furthermore, it was suspected that the formaldehyde solution could have been leaking dangerous and poisonous fumes, endangering the lives of the viewers in the museum. It has since been debunked, however, one cannot completely rule out it is not a possibility.

2) The Chapman Brothers

The Chapman brothers are a pair of artists that never take themselves too seriously. They have been criticised as not having any technical abilities whatsoever. However, people do not notice that they have an incredible talent in manipulating the media to generate the attention that fuels their line of work. When Jake Chapman was quoted to have said that it was pointless to bring children to galleries, and that they are still children and not “human” yet, many artists spoken out against Chapman. However, art critic Will Gompertz had this to say.

“The formula is simple: When you have an exhibition to promote, say something mildly inflammatory to the press, and watch the column inches (particularly in August) and ticket sales soar.
Jake Chapman’s comment about kids and paintings is a beautifully crafted example of the art. It has generated loads of attention, reinforced the brothers’ bad-boy brand, and alerted an “outraged” middle England to the Chapmans’ new show. Job done.”

3) Ai Weiwei

Ai Weiwei was an artist that got his name out there through blogging on the Chinese social media platform Sina Weibo. Through this, he “turned out a steady stream of scathing social commentary, criticism of government policy, thoughts on art and architecture, and autobiographical writings.” One of his most famous art series was the Study of Perspective series. It was one in which he simply pointed the middle finger to many famous monuments, almost in a way, telling the government to f- off.

4D II Project 1 – Alter Ego


When I am alone, dancing, I feel like I can become those whom I admire when I practice. Their great qualities and abilities both amaze me and drive me. I can see myself in their likeness, in their footsteps. Sometimes it is as though I am them. With each time I practice, I feel as though I am growing, and will one day be able to surpass those I have revered.

I hope you will go through this journey with me, narrating my feelings from what I feel when I am practicing, and what you don’t usually get to see behind the scenes of a good performance.

Concept Development:

Because my theme is dance, I decided to stylise the entire video to be similar to a dance concept video. The transitions and the visual effects are all added in a bid to make it more similar to one.


In lieu of the upcoming project, I was nervous as I was worried I did not have the technical skill of pulling off the idea I had in my head at the time. Hence, I spent a lot of nights watching simple youtube videos to understand cinematography and the post production process.

Artist Reference:

Mannequin challenge by Kinjaz

Take Heart by Trevmonki

Koto by Strawhatz


One of the many challenges I had to face was the inconsistency of the shoot days. Due to the conflicting schedules of the cast members, it was difficult to keep the scene consistent throughout the entire video. Another problem I had was that because I used two different cameras, it was hard to do the colour correction to the best degree possible.


Unfortunately, I am unable to do up a storyboard because of the nature of my video, especially so with the number of visuals that have been edited in.


Task 1: 5 figures of literature or fiction

  1. Harry Potter(Harry Potter trilogy): Bravery and courage
  2. Katniss Everdeen (Hunger Games trilogy): Wit and tact
  3. Pip (Great Expectations): Innocence
  4. Jane Eyre (Jane Eyre): Independent and strong conscience
  5. Henry DeTamble (The Time-Traveller’s Wife): Confident and sincere

Task 2: 5 public figures

  1. The Weeknd
  2. Ryan and Silvia
  3. Barack Obama
  4. Brian Puspos
  5. Christopher Martin

Task 3: 5 people I know/known

  1. My Mother
  2. My Sister
  3. My Grandmother
  4. My Roommate
  5. My Friends

Task 4: Top 2 of each list

  1. Harry because he knows exactly what needs to be done and he gets it done
  2. Katniss because she is not only smart but knows when to be smart
  3. Ryan and Silvia because I idolise them as my role models
  4. Christopher Martin because he creates art with his body
  5. My grandmother because she is one of the bravest people I’ve ever met
  6. My friends because of their talent and hard work that let them achieve such a great level of skill of dance


Here’s the link to the final video!