My Line Is Emo – Emotion 15: Pity




The feeling of pity is emotional sympathy for someone else. You want to reach out and help, but you don’t know how, and they won’t see it as an act of kindness.

I used chinese ink and dripped it onto one side to create the effect of “reaching out”. The colour black symbolizes the way the person you pity views you as. I then used a .38 ink pen to draw out the “barriers” that the people you pity shut you out with. I then used chinese ink and shaving cream to create a vidid marble effect, whereby the poor soul, as represented by the doodle, basks in their sad state.


My Line Is Emo – Emotion 14: Jealousy




Jealousy is the feeling of resentment, of anger at someone else for their accomplishments, of their attention they’re getting, or if you feel like you are being cheated in love

Jealousy begins slowly at first, as a suspicion, as a little envious. Here I used a brush with plastic bristles with chinese ink to create the sharp pricks of jealousy within oneself. I made the lines to grow to be more and more violent and outrageous, as jealousy grows to the point where one cannot think clearly within the mess of their minds.


My Line Is Emo – Emotion 10: Pride




Pride is when you feel satisfied with your outcomes and your achievements. Pride is the feeling you get for accomplishing what you set out to do, maybe more. It has an airy feeling to it, you feel light and dizzy with contentment.

I have relied on chinese ink and the calligraphy brush again for this emotion. However, with the chinese ink I first diluted it and used that mixture as a base layer, using water colour techniques, increasing in the concentration of the chinese ink. With the swirly patterns I wanted to give the feeling of airy, in combination with the layering, as well as portraying how “giddy” with excitement you feel. The final bold lines represents the confidence in yourself and your abilities when you feel proud.

Winning, Award, Trophy.

Winning, Award, Trophy.

My Line Is Emo – Emotion 6: Disappointment




Disappointment is simply the feeling of being let down, either by yourself or by someone else. It is sadness that comes after happiness, it is draining and heavy. The emotion simply feels like drifting aimlessly.

I wanted to showcase the transition between happiness into disappointment to further bring out the contrast and give depth to the emotion. I first used a marbling technique using water and chinese ink to create the backdrop. After which, I used .38 pen to draw in the circles, which represents a joyous and psychedelic feel. The eventual transition between cirlcles into the plain backdrop brings forth the feeling of “drifting”.


My Line Is Emo – Emotion 5: Relief




Relief is the feeling of peace or comfort, especially so after a chaotic or stressful ordeal. It is the calm that comes after the storm.

Chinese ink and a calligraphy brush proved to be useful in creating this emotion. The use of the dry brush technique helped to create the “chaotic effect”, while using the simple calligraphy stroke to portray the “calm”.

Portrait of a beautiful arab woman breathing fresh air with raised arms with a cloudy blue sky in the background


Exploration With Print – Project 1

Continuing into the third week of this project, I began exploring different kinds of prints and visual textures I am able to achieve through mark making. Several implements I used were – stone, plastic brushes, a calligraphy brush, a normal paintbrush, sponges, a bottle cap, a palette knife and lino cuts.

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