Foundation 4D Proj. 3: ‘DISREGARD’ process

These words outline the main idea for my film:

This will follow the behaviour of humans while they eat and relate it to the concept of desiring experiences. What do people think of when they eat? Do they get irritated when they’re bothered? Perhaps they insist on solely, themselves, living in the moment, disregarding and blocking out the intrusions. Yet, they do not realise what happens to the food they enjoyed in the moment – forgetting what time brings to the indulgence.

I wanted to focus on people eating, so at first I filmed people at hawkers as I walked past, and just people eating in general.



But since I wanted to include what happened to food after the indulgence and after the consummation, I needed to grow mould. Or at least, show  what happens to food in the events afterwards (ones that we don’t give much thought to).

I intended to use food moulding (like my Project 2) but to do that, I would need to use found videos as I do not possess the right cameras or resources to be able to do such a long timelapse – over a couple of days – for food to mould.

So, I had to think of an alternative to growing mould – I think the process of washing food off of dishes and throwing it into waste bins is similar.


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