Tag: self-portrait

Assignment 1a) H-O-H

The overarching title of my Assignment 1a is H-O-H, symbolising the mythical phoenix of Japanese lore, ho-oh, and the chemical formula for water. Both undergoes a never-ending cycle that reflects a sense of eternity yet ephemeral.     I. Ma’af Zahir Batin This series of self-portraits uses hands to portray my identity as it is the most pliable anatomy and how they are… Read more →

Beautiful Bleak Bodies

A photographer. A painter. A writer. A curator. John Coplans is known for all these roles save for one, be beaten down by age. Initially trained as a painter who then moved to the US, Coplans stopped making paintings in the early 60s before he got back into the arts again as a photographer. Coplans started taking self-portraits at 62, after he… Read more →

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