Therapeutic Graphics: Final

Above is the final piece:)

It depicts the journey of a girl and a whale, and the tenderness between them. It is a very simple visual that spans the whole walkway, easily understood, yet recalling the simplicity of childhood, or times less burdened, more exploratory and whimsical.

The walkway is dyed a comforting blue as the viewer travels with both whale and girl, temporarily transported into a different world of the viewer’s imagination, providing a moment’s reprieve from the stressful environment of the hospital;

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a moment’s worth of recharging energy to continue their all important work;

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or a refuge in emotional turbulence.

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I hope the natural, human-ness of the hand-drawn lines, and the ebb and flow of watercolour on paper prove to be a device through which the narrative touches the audience more easily. Thus, this piece was made by first drawing out every object, tracing them out separately, then scanning them into the computer to digitize them. Colour and texture were all done by hand, painted then scanned, and finally compiled in Illustrator. A more detailed account of the whole process can be found here.

Hoping you liked it as much as I whaley have,

’til next time! 🙂

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