Concept 1: The Journey to Unpredictability




Screen Shot 2015-09-24 at 5.05.00 pm“Concept 1”

“The Journey to Unpredictability”

[The Ideation- Pt 1(Brainstorming)]

The most difficult journey…is the one that lies within ourselves. Words live everywhere, but not every place has been known to be safe.

In this concept, i tried to portray my life through the ups and downs i face daily, trying to escape fear.

[The images are arranged in sequence in which it flows from being realistic into something unpredictable.]

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Concept 2 continues on the next post...

1 comment

  1. Mel your pictures are gorgeous!! The concept is interesting and your pictures started out very introspective and reflective but then I see you running so MUCH DANGER MUCH FEAR OH NO
    I can’t comment about the video cos it’s not here yet hehehe so I’m really looking forward to the video!

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