Tag Archives: music

Virtual Politics: New ideas

So during today’s consultation, I realised that Fusion Table was not presenting my data all that clearly. So Juan used another tool I had completely overlooked – Excel’s own graph generator. Which produced some interesting plots with my data (In the graphs below, I’m leaving out the numbers and grid lines since it’s the pattern that’s more interesting):

(A) Data which reveal the nature of his posts

1. PM Lee’s posts’ time against the date:

Screen Shot 2014-10-23 at 7.11.32 PM


2. The number of times PM Lee appears in his photos against the date.

Screen Shot 2014-10-23 at 7.19.25 PM

3. The number of adults in his photos against the date:

Screen Shot 2014-10-23 at 7.22.11 PM

4. The number of children in his photos against the date:

Screen Shot 2014-10-23 at 7.23.14 PM

(B) Data on public response to his posts

1. The number of likes against the date:

Screen Shot 2014-10-23 at 7.25.10 PM

2. The number of shares against the date:

Screen Shot 2014-10-23 at 7.27.31 PM

3. The number of comments against the date:

Screen Shot 2014-10-23 at 7.28.55 PM

And then as we were discussing, Diana had this brilliant idea that the line graphs could be converted to music! Excited to see where this brings us.