My Lines have Emotions

My lines have emotions is a project that required students to pick 18 emotions and create abstract interpretations of those emotions. I have chosen mine and created them with acrylic paint, Chinese ink, water color, impasto gels, printing paint and of course pen. I love pen, i feel like I am able to get full control over everything that I draw, not that others don’t but I am most comfortable when it comes to using pen to create art!

First studio session we had with our lecturer Mimi, we experimented with many types of styles and creations! I had a lot of fun doing this and here are some examples:



We had a lot of fun doing this with the roller. I experimented with the roller. I will just name some, tape art, circular motions, gradients and much more!

Here are some of the stuff I decided to put into my journal.


Then it was time for us to start coming up with different emotions. But before we could Mimi helped us with 1 more technique that we could use and that is “MEMORY DRAWING“. We are supposed to use our non-dominant hand, close our eyes, think of what makes us happy, or sad, or angry and just draw out that emotion. I found this technique very useful and interesting as it requires me to think about my experience and apply it.

I started drawing out my emotions eventually…


I started doing these emotions with mind maps. It was much easier when I used mind maps as I am able to identify the key characteristics of these emotions. Not did I only use ink and pen to create emotions but I also used different techniques like spraying crepe paper, salt effect, impasto gels, and many many more! I also used some pipe cleaner to create the emotion of love. I did a lot of varieties of techniques and I truly enjoyed creating them all! (Even the sad emotions… haha!)

I am very much inspired by Georigiana Houghto. She called her artworks “Spiritual artworks”. What I love about them is that there are a lot of lines and it shows the amount of details and patients she put inside her works. It also shows how much thoughts and emotions went through her mind when she was creating the lines. Her artworks often look very chaotic but I find them meaningful and special!


Here is the final outcome of my hard-work! YAY!


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