Resin and Latex

What is Resin? 

Resin casting is a method of plastic casting where a mold is filled with a liquid synthetic resin, which then hardens into a solid.
Materials needed for Resin

Mold, Liquid Resin, Hardener, Things to encapsulate (saga seeds) 

Pour and measure liquid resin in a container and mix with 3 % of hardener. Spray mold with grease agent. After mixing both liquid, pour an amount into mould and place object to encapsulate and pour another amount of resin over to cover the object and leave it to harden.



What is Latex?

Latex are also use for a large variety of purpose. From jewellery to face mask because it can mold and form the memory shape of a solid.
Materials Needed for Latex

Mold, Liquid latex, Hardener, Acrylic colour. 

Pour and measure 100g of liquid latex in a container and mix with 2g to 5g of hardener. Spray mold with grease agent. After mixing both liquid, pour an amount into mould and spread latex over the area and leave it to dry.


Unconventional Materials: Felting

What is Felting?

Felt is a textile material that is produced by matting, condensing and pressing fibers together. Felt can be made of natural fibers such as wool or animal fur, or from synthetic fibers. Felting is an age-old craft. Possibly developed in the Middle or Far East, it is a process that has evolved with local traditions wherever it was used. And it is still used today, by kids in kindergarten to nomads on the great plains of Asia living in felt yurts. The technique is basic, requires very little experience or tools, and "mistakes" may well lead to interesting results. 
Materials needed for Felting

Wet Felting: Wool, Soap, Hot water, Plastic sheet

Needle Felting: Wool, Needles, Foam Base
Wet Felting

Wet Felting is the process whereby natural wool fibers is stimulated by friction and lubricated by soapy water that causes the fibers to hook together into a single piece of fabric. 

1. Lay a piece of plastic sheet on the table

2. Lay the wool and layer with different colour based on desired pattern

3. Add hot water and soap onto the wool

4. Rub the fiber together to make the fiber hook together.

Needles Felting

Needle Felting is a method of using a special needle that is commonly used to make 3D sculpture, jewelry, adornments and 2D art. The needle have notches along the shaft to catch fibers and tangle them with other fibers to produce felt. 

1. Combine wool into desired shape by poking with needles till its firm.

You can combine both methods to create more unique 3D shapes

What is Applique?

Applique is ornamental needlework in which pieces of fabric in different shapes and patterns are sewn or stuck onto a larger piece to form a picture or pattern. It is commonly used as decoration, especially on garments.
Materials needed for Applique

Fabric, Leather, Sewing machine






Product Design ii

What is product design?

Product design is the creation of tangible objects by generating ideas to solve a problem/ situation, so as to improve people’s lives. The outcome must fulfil the intended purpose and be aesthetically pleasing and ergonomically friendly at the same time.

My product design definition?

Product design is to create a product that solves a situation/problem which generally improves people’s lives.


What type of product designer do you want to be?

I would probably be a furniture designer or a kitchenware designer. To be honest I do not really have a preference. I just want my design to be universal.



Universal Design not only can be used by all people regardless of their age, size, and ability, but also the disabled. Be it designing a simple stool for the masses or a kitchenware for the handicapped, I want to help as many people as possible, making their lives more convenient.

Project 2 – Zine (Development)

First Draft

After consultation, I should look more into the fonts and have a better layout.


Second Draft

Printed out for the mock up, some spelling errors was found.

For page 2-5 the lower section can be shifted up as the centre looks too empty.

Layout and font can still be improved.


After the final edit, I will go and print my final Zine


Project 3 – Ego (Process)


I need to form 4 equation, (Me) + (Setting) = (Reaction). However, I have decided to change the

(Me) = (My body parts)

(Setting) = (Items)

Idea 1

My Head + Music = Happiness


Idea 2

My Heart + Toys = A kid again


Idea 3

My Hands + Paper = Paper cutting art


Idea 4

My legs + Orange traffic light = Confused legs




After consultation, I got some feedback from Joy and my classmates that i need to improve on my Colours in my composition which I will show the improvements in my final post.

Project 1: Picture Story – Curating Self

What defines you as a person?
I would like to think that we are not just defined by how we look, our personality or behavior, things that are distinctively “us”. We are also very much defined by external factors like our family, our friends, places that we have been to, experiences that we have had. And because of the many things that help shape us, we are not always “consistent”. Sometimes we are shy, sometimes we are chatty. I may love tea at first, then grow to love coffee after.
Hence, I wanted to show this variety and complexity within us through the photos in the 3 tasks.

Task 1 (Me)
DSC_0004 - Copy

Task 1 (2.2)

Task 1 (3.1)

In the first task about “me”, I didn’t choose to feature myself in all 3 photos. I wanted to show my brother (the contrast between us bring out my personality even more), my collection (which reflects both my interest and my personality) and boiling water (to represent my temperament and health condition). 3 different subjects, 2 of which are metaphors (aka signified, application of theories learnt in class right here), for the different parts of me.

Task 2 (Object and representation of self)




In the second task I purposely chose 3 photos of different subject distance. Full-figure, mid-range and close up. To show the different feelings and emotions I have for/ with my “Tao Tao” – happy, content, and sleepy (duh!) respectively haha.

Task 3 (My world)DSC_0084



In the third task of my world, i have chosen my dad’s car as the place because when I’m in the car I feel safe (although it’s not really safe at all). I feel like I’m in another world without other people / troubles when I’m in the car covered with foam. I played with different perspectives and vantage points, e.g. my view as the driver, my passenger’s view of me through the mirror, again to emphasize how different I can be when I view myself vs others viewing me.
All in all to show the complexity of defining myself. Well, us humans are complicated beings after all.

Final Documentation IMG_9850

The black piece of paper represents my comfort zone. I don’t normally like to share my personal stuff with anyone. But for this project I shared one of my secrets to the class, which is why the picture (boiling blood) is outside of the paper to represent how I stepped out of my comfort zone.


Key learning points

  1. Present my photos in a more organized manner
  2. Learn and apply different photography techniques (low light, low key portraits)