Prism Light Bomb. Final [Y1: F&V Project1. Pandora Revisited]


In this project, we are assigned to create a basic volume based on 3 words we got.

My 3 words

Shift: displace

Offset: add, derived a section from the original one

Shift: displace


I had tried out different ideas for module 1:

2nd idea

Eventually, after consultation, the 2nd idea doesn’t match with my instructed words: shift, offset and shift. I derived module 1 from the 1st idea.


Module 1


This module is formed with 3 main triangular structure, with a height from high to low. (to make it more interesting) The base is a plain triangular structure. ‘Shift causes the 2nd triangular structure to move along the side of the base. ‘Offset’ causes the smallest triangular structure derived from the middle one and it ‘shift’s to the edge.


Refined Module 1 with more precise measurement and cut


Replicates for Module 2

Instead of making mould with latex or press-in silicon, crafting it with foam is the best option.

Reasons: it will get suck in the latex mould and the press-in silicon cannot give the replicate a clear cut of the edges and holes.


Trying Out Possible Layouts


These layouts do not work out because the module would suck in the silicon mould.

The hole, shift and height difference are obstacles for constructing layout of the ice.


Module 2: Ice Tray Layout and Process



Too much of solution mixed. To avoid wastage, I had to give up my plan of making separate mould:(



I tried to turn to move the foam out of the mould but I failed.

Cut my mould into half by pen knife:

I managed to take the foam by cutting the mould into half by a pen knife, it works out pretty well. I tied the 2 silicon mould together with a rubber band-> pour water into it. It didn’t leak! out of my expectation.



And it melts to death…


Thank you for reading 🙂

2 Replies to “Prism Light Bomb. Final [Y1: F&V Project1. Pandora Revisited]”

  1. Glad that your ice modules turned out really well, despite the many challenges faced figuring out how to cast your mould 2.

    Emma, I just need you to redo your isometric projection/ s   and ensure that your modules are oriented 30, 120, 30 degrees to the baseline. What you have shown here are all not isometric. Thanks.

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