Project Development Drawings

  1. How does your audience experience your project?

The participant will have to complete a game of buzz wire loop game and is promised a prize if they hit the targeted timing. However, the twist at the end after completing the game is the bell curve adjustment to the initially targeted timing. A participant who has managed to hit the initial timing will not receive a prize due to the adjusted timing. A participant who did not manage to hit the initial timing or adjusted timing will not receive any prize too. At the end of the game, we encourage our participants to protest online by posting a photo of our game accompanied with the hashtag “#stopcurvingmygrades” (may change the hashtag) to raise awareness of the bell curve system and also to advertise our game for more people to participate.

  1. Is it for a single person to engage with your project or for multiple participants concurrently?

It is meant for one person at a time.

  1. What is the interaction or situation you are creating for your audience?

We wanted to simulate the bell curve grading system which is present in our school. The participant puts in the effort to hit the targeted timing in order to receive a prize as promised by the system. It represents the effort that students put in in order to get a good grade and recognition for their efforts. The adjustment at the end of the game represents the bell curve grading system, which limits the amount of As that is given out to students. By engaging our participants to protest online, it is a form a DIWO, where we work with the participants to spread the message.

  1. What is the intention of this interaction?

We wanted the participants to experience the unfairness of the bell curve grading system which is present in many of the schools today. After experiencing, we wanted the participants to work together with us to protest online, so as to raise awareness and to express our unhappiness of the system.

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