Foundation 4D Project 1: Exhibition Display/Layout Rationale

Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

This was my final layout for the arrangement of my photographs for Project 1.

After much thought, I really wanted to show the separation of moment from memory (as aforementioned in previous posts). I think this layout really shows that idea. It goes from the raw, original photo of the moment with him to the figurative image of the firework, which is a symbol for my interpretation of the flashes of memories that are left after someone is gone.

The far right shows two photos that drift noticeably out from the mass. The last sequence of momentary photos are these two:

Screen Shot 2016-09-15 at 9.37.59 pmScreen Shot 2016-09-15 at 9.37.52 pm

I especially wanted to sequence the last two photos to show that the intensity of the experience/moment fades when the person looks away, or in other more metaphoric terms, “leaves”. The presence fades, but the sad part about this is that it’s inevitable for moments to fade; it’s part of time’s erosion. The last drifting photo is a firework and I think in the end, at least time gives us the presence of the memory, no matter how fleeting.

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