Design Principles for the Ecological Crisis: Ecocentric Design

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Q4. What ideals, principles, motto and design qualities might you use to describe and define the next emergent design trend valid over the next 5 years, current to your practices? What name would you give to the design movement?

As the world population steadily increases to 8 billion, the consumeristic paradigm of which most parts of the developed world functions on becomes no longer sustainable. In addition to social problems, a self-inflicted ecological crisis threatens our human civilisation as well as the world of nature. The infinite growth potential of a consumeristic economy is incompatible with the earth which has finite raw materials and natural resources. According to Greenpeace, human consumption of natural resources has doubled over the last 30 years, prompting the United Nations to advocate for a new production model that makes optimal use of resources and energy sustainable (Iberdrola Corporativa).

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