Project 3 Ego FINAL

In this project, I’m going to express myself as a cartoonish cat. I feel the lazy cat is similar to my characteristics hahaha. The ideas will say about me but the outcomes are going to be illogical and out of the box. So here are the finals.

1st Idea

In this one, I wanted to show that I’m a person that really enjoys great foods. I like to try all kinds of different foods.

Therefore, the first box shows me (the cat) with its stomach growling and its going to look for food. => It goes to a buffet with lots of variety of food. => There are foods growing out of its head.

Colour Palette

1I chose many bright and powerful colours for this idea. They are more of the light saturated colours. It is to show the excitement and happiness of the cat.




2nd Idea


Sometimes when I watch horror movies, I always feel that the ghost seems fake and find it funny.

So, it goes like the cat showing a carefree face.=> Then it went to the cinema to watch horror movies.=>Then it is judging how the ghost looks and imagine itself with the ghosty looks.

Colour Palette


I chose very contrasting colours for this idea. Greyscale and some reddish colours used in order to bring out the scary and shocking feels in it.




3rd Idea


I am always believe in Buddhism and I like to visit places like the temple and such places.

Therefore, it goes like the cat is praying. => It went to the temple. => It transformed into a fortune teller at the temple and its doing some fortune telling for the people.

Colour Palette

3Since its related to religion, I chose dull, serious and quiet colours. Not many colours used, only some greyscale tones, brownish and yellowish colours.




4th Idea


I really love animals and and stuff especially fishes and turtles, therefore I came out with this idea.

It shows the cat playing with a koala in the first one. => Then, it goes to the zoo. => It camouflaged itself inside the zoo with all the other animals.

Colour Palette

4bVibrant colours chose for the first and second panels to bring out the enthusiasm and passion for the animals.

4aSimple colours like only green and black are used for the last panel as to show that it is camouflaging.




See you next Sem 2D laughinglaughinglaughing

Project 3 Ego Work In Progress

Working on this project and I tried many mediums for it! Its done with mixed media but overall it all have the watercolour style in it. Its really fun as I got to try watercolour which I never did it for long time. Although its very time consuming but I am quite satisfied with the outcome! Here’s how I do it.

For the 4 panels of ME, I painted them because its easier for me to get what I want to express as myself as a cat.For the Settings panels, I did some mixed media stuff with some effects added and some editing. For the Reaction panels, I used watercolour.









And its almost done~ Stay tuned for my final work! Bye~