Final 2D Project 1 My line Is Emo

Final Look


18 Emotions

11.Hope – A feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen.

This was done with Chinese ink. The small little swirl created gives a feeling of expecting what will happen next.

22.Eagerness – Enthusiasm to do or to have something; keenness.

It consist of 2 tones the light and the dark ones. The harsh and the dark stokes symbolizes the urge inside ourselves to do a specific thing. Its throughout the line which brings out the keenness.

33.Rage – Violent uncontrollable anger.

It was done with 2 layers of Chinese ink and dried brush. The light layer first and the darker layer later on. The strokes are wild and going in all directions. It is getting out of the box to bring out the uncontrollable anger when one is raged.


4.Envy – 
A feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else’s possessions, qualities, or luck.

The close and dense strokes are like moving into each one of the main components. Giving a feeling of grudging admiration and desire to have something possessed by another.

55.Panic – Sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety, often causing wildly unthinking behavior.

This was portrayed with the irregular dots that give a feeling of sudden mass and anxiousness over certain things.


6.Frustration – The feeling of being upset or annoyed as a result of being unable to change or achieve something.

It was done with Chinese calligraphy brush. The madness in the strokes represents how a person feels when being frustrated.

77.Fear – An unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm.

This was made by inking the textured paper. The tiny details filling up the line expressed the nervousness when experiencing fear.


8.Distress – Extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain.

This expressed a feeling of sadness and cannot get out of it. It was done by inking a textured paper and moving it up and down.


9.Guilt – The fact of having committed a specified or implied offence or crime.

The black and intense shapes created a feeling of cannot erase it away from the memory. It was created by using tissue papers. The different suface and the different level of ink on the tissue paper created it.


10.Amazement – A feeling of great surprise or wonder.

It was done with inking a big leave. The way it was spreading out brings out the feeling of surprise.


11.Sorrow – A feeling of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment, or other misfortune suffered by oneself or others.

This was done with monoprint. The rubber was cut and created this texture. Ink was then apply and printed onto paper. It gives a bitter feeling.


12.Surprise – An unexpected or astonishing event, fact, etc.

The way it goes round and round expresses new suprises coming up.


13.Isolation – Cause (a person or place) to be or remain alone or apart from others.

The white space separated the main ball and the others. It created a feeling of loneliness.


14.Passion – Strong and barely controllable emotion.

It was created by cutting the stripes of paper in the middle followed by burning it with the lighter. It symbolizes the strong feeling inside a person is burning out of it.


15.Tenderness – Gentleness and kindness; kindliness.

It was created by cotton wool. It expressed the soft and gentle feeling.


16.Astonishment – Great surprise.

It was done by hitting the brush with force onto the paper. It give a feeling of shocking and out of expectations.


17.Delight – Great pleasure.

It was done with fine black marker. The circles express a feeling of happiness. Its curve gives a mischievous and fun feeling.


18.Love – A strong feeling of affection. Great interest and pleasure in something.

It was done by twisting a flat brush. Those little swirls symbolizes the surprise and new excited feeling of love. The outer lines of the circle are not too clearly defined which gives it a floating feel. It expressed the delight in love.


Some progress images


Thats the end of my Project 1. I feel I have learnt a lot through the exploration and hands on. Anything can express feelings in a way and I feel it is difficult to get the best result that I wanted to achieve and it needs a lot of trial and error. Its a fun project overall.