
Final Script


Character Design

Concept Art


Kou Ying

Shi Jun


A little boy, Kayden, gets lost in the forest and encounters a mysterious being in the woods, a legend that was well known in the villages.


It is believed by the villages, that deep within the forest, witches live. One day, a little boy Kayden and his older brother, Elmer, both venture into the forest, in search of herbs and other ingredients. Kayden who was so caught up in the task of finding mushrooms, unknowingly drifts from Elmer. He spots an unusual creature in the distance and realizes that it reminds him of the legend his brother told him about. Filled with curiosity, he follows the creature, leading him to a treehouse. Hiding outside of the treehouse, Kayden peers in and to his horror, sees a menacing shadow looming against the wall. Frightened out of his wits and assuming it is a witch from the legend he has heard, he attempts to escape. However, just as he was about to leave, the creature comes out of the treehouse and both Kayden and the creature gets shock, alerting the Penelope, a little girl in the treehouse.

Extended Synopsis

Final Animatic

Recess Week Homework

That night it was different

#1 John and his friends were on a trip when he saw those miniature figures at night and he knew that it would bring something unusual for them.

It was the summer holidays when John and his two friends, Lyn and Mike went to the far off hill for a trip. They did not regret about that destination as the view from the hill was incredible amazing. It was not a place where many people stay as they only saw one simple and crude house at the mountainside when they drive up their way. They arrived at the evening, settled down under an old willow tree and ready to enjoy their day. They started the barbecue and had a small drink outside their tents. The sky was soon darkened and they went to sleep reluctantly. However, John could not get to sleep and he went for a walk into the hill. It became darker as the moonlight was blocked by the thick clouds. The narrow road was lit up with a bright flash and a clap of thunder followed. John switched on his torchlight and covered himself with his hoodie. Just as he was going back to the tent, something unforgettable appeared in his sight. A role of shiny miniature figures were moving orderly into the trees. They disappeared into the trees. John could see them even the rain made his vision blur.

John remembered that he had read from somewhere that those miniatures were an omen that something ominous would happen. He was worried and fell asleep.

“ John! Get up! It’s a landslide!” Lyn shouted.

Thats not the way I remember it

#2 Nic had lost his memories from that car incident. He never thought that Peter who looked after him for years was the main culprit of the whole incident.

Nic had experienced a serious car incident 10 years ago. His head was injured and he was asleep for 8 years. When he finally wake up, he realised he had lost all his memories. It was Peter who kept looked after him for these years. Peter was Nic’s best friend and they always spent their time together. It was that day when Nic met Tom, his cousin who worked at Peter’s car repair company, reveals the true story of the past incident. He told Niu that it was Peter who caused the incident and Nic’s parents were all passed away from that incident. Peter made a mistake while repairing Nic’s car and therefore, the brake pedal of Nic’s car did not work. It was unbelievable for Nic as he was always thankful towards Peter and actually he concealed the truth from him. It was not the way he remembered it. Anger and bitterness had preyed upon Nic. Nic confronted  Peter and Peter had confessed everything to him. However, Nic would never forgive him.

They wouldn’t leave me alone

#3 In this world of spells, every child had their companions. However, Ruth’s foxes could never accompany her but they had saved her.

In Ruth’s world, every child had their own pet. When they were born, they would grow up together with their pet. Their spells would increase as their pet grows. For Ruth, she had her foxes with her. They were her best companions. However, it all changed when Ruth fell sick. She could not get up and the medicines did not work for her. Until an elder master told her parents that there was only one cure which was to send Ruth’s fox to the King Casper and he would save Ruth. Their parents followed as they had to save their only daughter and the foxes agreed with that. Ruth finally woke up but she could never see her fox again. She could not believe that they left her alone.

Script based on story #3

Storyboard based on #3



Assignment 1: Sequence Analysis


Storyboarding is a stage of planning where it helps the crews, audiences to visualise the film before the shoot. By using storyboards, it saves the trouble of complex explanations and questions of the director, actors and the crews. I have learnt the different types of shots and the use of compositions to show the importance of the people in a scene.

The first sequence I reversed is from Hitchcock’s <Notorious>.

In this sequence, I realised that there are not too much movements on the camera. Except the first part where the camera pan from the second floor to the lobby and to the key in the hands of the main actor. It is straight forward to bring out the theme of the sequence to the audience.

It also make use of the foreground, mid ground and background to make the shot more interesting. For example, in shot 19, the foreground was blurred so that the eyes will be focused at the main actor. The foreground gave information of the location and what was happening there.

Hitchcock also played with the POV of the actors. For example, it is in the male actor’s POV when he is observing the two of them exchanging the key. Shooting from the actor’s POV, the audience will get their emotions better.

Second sequence is from Hayao Miyazaki’s <Ponyo>.

In this sequence, I feel Miyazaki like to use many long shots and establishing shots. Since it is an exterior scene and it has to show the sea monsters chasing after the boy as he took Ponyo away. The backgrounds really beautify the animation and immerse the audience in its visuals.

There are a lot of movements in every shot. From the character’s actions to the backgrounds like waves, moving water and wind. Every second is a painting.

For the front part, the camera stay still to have the characters move around in the frame. As the boy is still exploring and it is still in a calm stage. When the monsters start to chase the boy, the camera follows him to bring out the tension and nervousness.

Overall, by studying the storyboards, it helps understands why they shoot some scenes in that way. It makes the audience understand the story better.


Research Paper Proposal : Question 3

Question chosen: 3

Compare two ceramics from the Tang shipwreck. Consider the following in your discussion: patrons, producers, materials, production, function, and meanings.

Tentative Claim

The Blue and White wares bear high artistic values and it is described as “a pearl of the porcelain world”.However, the Green-splashed wares also has its own aesthetic.

Two ceramics:


      (Green-splashed ware)

Blue-and-White Dish Found in the shipwreck


Introduction Paragraph

  • In 1998, the Tang shipwreck was discovered by the fishermen diving for sea cucumbers off the western shore of Belitung Island in the Java Sea.
  • The bottom of the ship was teared out which may be destructed by the nearby reef. It settled onto the seabed after sailing another 150 meters.
  • This ship contained a remarkable number of ceramics of about 70,000 pieces, from the Tang Dynasty in the 9th Breakages of these treasures had been limited as the wave, salt and sand seemed to protect them from damages.
  • It showed the active trading situations between China and the other places of the world like southeast Asia, Africa, India and the Middle East.
  • Some of them are the bowls, ewer, luxurious objects of gold and silver and a small amount of cash in the forms of coins and silver ingots.
  • Compare the Green-splashed Ewer and the Blue-and-White Ware in the essay.
  • Explain and compare the patrons, producers, materials, production, function, and meanings of the two ceramics.


Essay Plan: Compare the followings

Para 2 – Explaining and comparing patrons, producers

Para 3 – Explaining and comparing materials, production

Para 4 – Explaining and comparing function, meanings



Restate claim and summarise the main points.Include personal opinions.



Krahl, Regina. Shipwrecked: Tang Treasures and Monsoon Winds. Edited by John Guy. Washington, D.C.: Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, 2010.







Open House! Waterloo & Esplanade Trip

At Open House Waterloo Exhibition

l(a leaf falls)oneliness, 2017 – By Ila



This work is at the fifth floor of the building. Actually I did not even notice that it is an artwork at first until someone told me to look inside the hole. I really thought its just some ongoing construction stuff as the green metal container is so common and it really blend in the environment around it. However, after I peeped into the small hole, I was like WOW, ok cool… You really have to take a minute and observe carefully because its quite dark and the images are a bit hard to see. There is a worker’s jumpsuit hanging in the isolated space and some slide show of pictures are playing. There is a fan inside which I did not know why they put it there as it keep making the jumpsuit moving and I cannot see the pictures properly. The label says its titled after an cummings poem which explores loneliness within a city. Then I realise the picture shows a construction worker lying on two plastic chairs. The artist used simple mediums and bring us who is living in this fast paced city to quite down and think about what loneliness mean here. It is a form of communication of the artist through this unique piece of work and I like it a lot. I hope all the people passed by it can stop a while and experience this piece of work.


At Esplanade Exhibition

I’m a Steamroller Baby – By Kray Chen 




I was think whats this siren about when Michael was briefing us at the esplanade tunnel. Then after I watch the show and read the description I realise its actually the siren to gather the people in NS to start their training. There are three clips with the guy running up and down at left and right. It is connected in a way. The band performance in the middle. To me, I interpreted it as it the the sone that they sing while training gives them the encouragement and power to persevere through the tough training. I like how the artist uses a few clips to show the distance that he is running. Also the audio gives a more 3D feel like he is really running around. The endless running showed its a long run not only for the body but also mentally. This piece of artwork will definitely bring back some people’s memories of their NS times. The highest level of artwork is to interact with its audience. So I think the artist did it and its a very good way of using the space in the tunnel to create such a interactive art.

Overall, it was an interesting trip to go around and take a look at the places which I do not go often. It was very relaxing and the best is we can get out of the boring classroom and had a fun time outside school!


Project 3 Ego FINAL

In this project, I’m going to express myself as a cartoonish cat. I feel the lazy cat is similar to my characteristics hahaha. The ideas will say about me but the outcomes are going to be illogical and out of the box. So here are the finals.

1st Idea

In this one, I wanted to show that I’m a person that really enjoys great foods. I like to try all kinds of different foods.

Therefore, the first box shows me (the cat) with its stomach growling and its going to look for food. => It goes to a buffet with lots of variety of food. => There are foods growing out of its head.

Colour Palette

1I chose many bright and powerful colours for this idea. They are more of the light saturated colours. It is to show the excitement and happiness of the cat.




2nd Idea


Sometimes when I watch horror movies, I always feel that the ghost seems fake and find it funny.

So, it goes like the cat showing a carefree face.=> Then it went to the cinema to watch horror movies.=>Then it is judging how the ghost looks and imagine itself with the ghosty looks.

Colour Palette


I chose very contrasting colours for this idea. Greyscale and some reddish colours used in order to bring out the scary and shocking feels in it.




3rd Idea


I am always believe in Buddhism and I like to visit places like the temple and such places.

Therefore, it goes like the cat is praying. => It went to the temple. => It transformed into a fortune teller at the temple and its doing some fortune telling for the people.

Colour Palette

3Since its related to religion, I chose dull, serious and quiet colours. Not many colours used, only some greyscale tones, brownish and yellowish colours.




4th Idea


I really love animals and and stuff especially fishes and turtles, therefore I came out with this idea.

It shows the cat playing with a koala in the first one. => Then, it goes to the zoo. => It camouflaged itself inside the zoo with all the other animals.

Colour Palette

4bVibrant colours chose for the first and second panels to bring out the enthusiasm and passion for the animals.

4aSimple colours like only green and black are used for the last panel as to show that it is camouflaging.




See you next Sem 2D laughinglaughinglaughing