Dotwork Documentation #1

My experiment with documentation derived from that Facebook video I shared a while back. While I didn’t add in the number of dots or anything fancy, I found it quite interesting to see my own stippling process at 300% of its normal speed. Reminds me a lot of the motion of tattoo guns. I know it’s not very HD (I draw at night) but I’ll probably try again soon and see if I can do something about the quality of the video.

The Sick Rose

sick rose 0 sick rose 1 sick rose 2 sick rose 3

From The Sick Rose: Disease and the Art of Medical Illustration by Richard Barnett.

I love how the book cover and contents marry a more vintage illustrative style with modern sensibilities (use of the grid and sans-serif type). I’m interested to do something like this on a smaller scale for my project, perhaps to produce a book/booklet/magazine in this kind of vein.

Siamese twins



Drew this as part of an exploration on the Gemini twins/mortality and time. I enjoy doing quite a bit of macabre-looking illustrations in my free time and I’m carrying that aesthetic over in my explorations just to see how it works out. I liked the idea of using Siamese twins to see how else Gemini could be represented.

Gnoli’s Modern Bestiary

Giornale Nuovo: Gnoli’s ‘Modern Bestiary’



I love the details and surreal quality of these images. I’m using them as visual inspiration for the kind of images I want to produce with regard to my own project. I’d also like to incorporate the juxtaposition of the natural and the bizarre which is what I do already in my own personal illustration work.

Where am I?


I’m looking at the myth of Castor and Pollux, the twins that make up the constellation of Gemini. Castor was mortal, and when he died the immortal Pollux begged Zeus to grant his twin eternal life, which is the origin story behind the constellation of the twins.

I did this drawing as a starting point into my project, which will be more illustration-based and explore the mortal/immortal divide as well as astrology and myth which is what I’m specifically looking at with regard to time. I used coloured Micron pens for a change (I usually do black and white dotwork). I am a Gemini myself so this would explain my choice of focus.