The Library – Research

I decided to initiate the final project for this semester by answering the research questionnaire included in the brief, and surprisingly, all three of my ideas sprung from them.

What is the architectural layout of the space?

What furniture exist int he space?

As we enter the library and take a left, to the right side we see a reception, and to the right is a rectangular table, with a number of chairs and computers for students to work on and print from. Further down, there are shelves full of books. Towards the window are beanbags, the place is also equipped with plug points for students to charge their devices. On the other side of the library are tables for students to work as groups or simply sit and study. There is also a spiral staircase that leads to a mini theater room inside the library.

What surrounds the place?

The road on one side and the ADM foyer on the other. The sound proof windows make sure that it is silent and peaceful always.

Who goes there?

Students from not only ADM but also a number of other disciplines work here.

How do they behave?

Everyone is very considerate, and aware of the rules and regulations of the library generally. But there have been instances where I have come across a bunch of noisy people, which made it difficult to work.

What is the level of interaction between the people and the place?

Level of interaction between the people and the place is very static, and often unnoticed, because of the atmosphere here. Unless there is an event in the library, or you’re here to search for books.

Level of interaction between people with people?

Level of interaction between people here is not much either, because the library is a silent place and everyone generally just tends to work on their own.

What are people’s perception of the library as a place?

People’s perception of the library as a space is that of a very calm and peaceful atmosphere. The silence best works for people who intend to concentrate. In spite of being a public space, the relaxed and easy-going aura facilitates some kind of privacy, which helps people to focus well and work in their own bubble.

Initial three ideas for the project

  1. For the love of sleep – Vertical beanbags – Something more economical, yet comfortable and can be used by more students at once.
  2. Positivity board – Letters filled with happy, positive notes on a board, right next to the entrance – One for everyone – Only condition will be that everyone writes another note as they take one – So the cycle continues.
  3. Idea / Motivation corner – One pod / corner / box for each of the 7 majors in ADM – 8-10 – contains motivational posters – idea generation – music for relaxation .

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