Task 3: Colour Exploration

Design Aim: To design a badge for volunteers- to convey a message: Volunteers who willing to give unconditional love for patients, caring them as much as they can and accompany them. Also, to deliver the message of Art on the Move program. For example, volunteers carry out the activities with patients at their bedside.

Aim of Art on the Move: To allow patients enroll in art and craft activities at their bedside.

Concept: Caring

Idea 1

For my first idea, I used Swan (main role) in designing the badge. I used rainbow also. It is connected with the Swan. The combination of Swan and rainbow show a heart shape. I tried to combine all the elements into one logo to make it relevance, simplicity and memorable. I used Swan to show how volunteers show their unconditional love and take care of patients. For the ‘Art’, I used rainbow. Rainbow acts as a palette which they used it in art and craft activities. This programme brings happiness to the patients and also make their life more colourful. Therefore, I tried to combine Swan and Rainbow into one logo.

Idea 2

While for my second idea, I used two Swans. The combination of Swans (positive space) show a heart shape (negative space). The rainbow are connected with the bodies of Swans also.

Colour Version (Idea 1)

I chose ‘soft colour” baby blue for my Idea 1.


Author: Chin Lee

Hello, I'm Chin Lee:)

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