
The origin of the word  “mirror” stems from Old French word “mirer” to look at, from Latin “mīrārī” to wonder at.


for my project, i wanted to explore the uncertainty of our own reflections, how everyday we assume what we see is correct.

but what if it wasnt,

what if what we saw in our reflections changed?

what if what we see wasnt what we saw yesterday?

what if what we see was never us to begin with?

i tackle this issue with a protagonist on his journey to find his reflection back after gradually losing it.

i wont reveal to much, but this is what i have worked out so far.

there will be an addition of a narration in the final cut.


ps. there’s sound, so turn it up a lil,

Toby in Wonderland (final submission)

Toby in Wonderland-

“The needle pierced the cloth repeatedly, dragging a thread along, binding the pieces together and bringing it closer and closer to the final product. Watching the pieces come together was therapeutic for me, always had been. Hence the addition of the stuffed toy I made as a subject.

Dreams were also a big part of me, I would even go so far as to say that it is half the reason why I even go to sleep. The other half being, well, to rest. My dreams came in the form of adventures, where I constantly switched perspectives between the first and third person perspective, either participating with or observing a singular subject or person going about the adventures. Hence the girl as the protagonist.

My eyelids slowly parted as I woke. My body quickly drifting back to reality as quickly as my dreams left my conscious mind.

Fragments of the dreams remain like photographs,

but faces seem to always lose their way.”


-Toby (Tan Xun Yi)

1.1 1.2 2.1 3 4.1 4 5 6 9.1
Processed with VSCOcam with c1 presetFinal installation.

Road to Wonderland. (self-portrait progress)

Title: Toby in Wonderland.


“I wanted to portray a sense of adventure and mystery,

all in the process of a dream.”


-Initially many of the photos of the subject looked like she was aware of the presence camera,as if the adventure was staged,

-Prof suggested to source out and select photos where the subject was not looking at the camera, to exude more nonchalance in the said adventures.

61.1          91.1
Fig1.1,  Initial selection of the photos where the subject seemed aware of the camera 
71.2            41.2
Fig1.2, Second round selection of photos where the subject is less aware of the camera.

-To make the photos portray more of a dream like state, I lowered the saturation and increased the contrast.

 3Original          3Dream-like

-A combination of the two techniques/selections would result in the final outcome of the installation.

-toby (xunyi.)