Road to Wonderland. (self-portrait progress)

Title: Toby in Wonderland.


“I wanted to portray a sense of adventure and mystery,

all in the process of a dream.”


-Initially many of the photos of the subject looked like she was aware of the presence camera,as if the adventure was staged,

-Prof suggested to source out and select photos where the subject was not looking at the camera, to exude more nonchalance in the said adventures.

61.1          91.1
Fig1.1,  Initial selection of the photos where the subject seemed aware of the camera 
71.2            41.2
Fig1.2, Second round selection of photos where the subject is less aware of the camera.

-To make the photos portray more of a dream like state, I lowered the saturation and increased the contrast.

 3Original          3Dream-like

-A combination of the two techniques/selections would result in the final outcome of the installation.

-toby (xunyi.)