Mono-Printing (Work-In-Progress)


Processed with VSCO with c2 preset





It’s a lot more fun doing mono-print with friends.


IMG_97371. Apply ink.

IMG_97412. Use mediums like leaves and feather.

IMG_97393. Put a piece of paper over it and use the Mono-type press machine.

IMG_97424. First Print. Only the outline of the medium is printed out.

IMG_97475. Remove the medium and print it for the 2nd time.

IMG_97436.TheĀ 2nd time gives a more detailed print.


Personal Thoughts

It had been a great experience and I have learnt a lot about Mono-Print, however I am not using Mono-print for Project 1 because i’m using mediums like food, examples oranges, fries, etc which can’t be pressed under the machine. I’m sure there will be plenty of chance to use it in the future.

Author: Wei Ming Tan

"Some people are artists. Some, themselves, are art."

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