What happened before the final piece

Some behind the scenes of the project.

851519876_30782_4087859534948804468This was when I was doing memory drawing with brushes and rollers but then forgot what emotions they were.
851517687_31024_644390613717357381So I just cut them up into strips and group them according to how I felt.
851439365_64853_15560830579698532934I got smarter and labelled my memory drawings afterwards, and did them in strip form.851517216_31719_2835080936669190272This was just a failed attempt at fumage.
851517717_30833_2282028405505625938When I was almost done I placed them together to see if they looked too alike and change them when they did.

851516450_31467_7388033706298815808Then came the mounting, which was a pain as the strips kept falling off.



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