Category Archives: Research

Meta : Cyclone zone – Celebration

There he sleeps. So soundly surrounded by the fluid and tubes that encircles him. Time to time he released air bubbles that resounded through the whole space, telling one that he is indeed alive. His mutated clones seemed to be accompanying him in the lonely and unsettling room. It appears as if the scientist were trying to test on him by working on the clones in order not to hurt the main body.

You look at the male in front of you, trailing down the silky skin until you noticed something peculiar about his legs. You dashed forward plastering yourself onto the glass trying to get a clearer view of his legs when you heard curses behind you.

“Shit… Cyclone, we are so screwed…”

You snapped back and found Blackhole holding onto a thick folder, titled Subject D… It was the same ID you saw from the listing on Dr. Herod’s computer. This time you skidded towards him, grabbing onto his arms to get a peek at the folder. You were too deep into your thoughts trying to read the information that you did not feel the uncomfortable being beside you. Blackhole tried to clear his throat to get your attention but that you were too in the zone to notice. He sighs.

As much as you get onto his nerves, you make him want to care for you still. His hand seem to have reacted on it’s own pushing the fallen hair behind your ears. You flinched away feeling the sudden coldness on your ear before realising what just happened. Turning your head towards Blackhole, he was shock by himself too.

“No! I didn’t mean to! I- I— Dammit…”

He preyed your hand apart from his arm and took a step away from you. Now you are just getting really annoyed with him.

“Get yourself together! We aren’t on a date now or anything.”


Before Blackhole even got a chance to protest, you grab the folder from him and started flipping through more of the of the pages. It was the comments at the bottom of each page that captured your attention.

He was the breakthrough we have been searching for all this years. The other subjects were basically useless. Imagine all the other possible power we can create through the same method. For now he must sleep, until the day he is perfected. Till another miracle comes along, we must protect our specimen at all cost.

Today is officially the start of test subject enrollment, hopefully there would be a suitable body. All the appeals and advertisements have finally paid off, she does not know a thing. We must keep the specimen away from the key at all cost. Until he is completed, she is to be kept away at all times.

The enrollment ended, there was only a female that fitted the criteria. Everyday the specimen is growing stronger but he is also closer to waking up. We must keep a close eye on her, she would be another key to our breakthrough. Another power that would be under our control. Before that we must decide on someone to clean up the mess.

It is finally the beginning for the celebration of the great roar. Everyone thinks that the dragon is just a lucky figure for this project to empower them in pushing through. Have themselves improving on their so-called power in order to seal their well provided future. But in reality it was just a remainder for us maniacs to keep track on our main objective.

I am starting to question this celebration and our main objective. Both of them are continuing to make progression and everyone else are still believing in the lies. When will all our misery end? Maybe if I just release her and eliminate everyone on this land the dark truth will be washed away. Forgotten.

You were obviously very confused after reading through the transcript. The grand celebration that everyone has always been looking forward to is actually a lie? The amazing dragon which helped everyone go through the dark times on this city is just a lie. Also who is this test subject that actually fitted their criteria and needed to be cleaned up after?

There was just too many questions flooding your mind right now. You took a step back only to bump into someone. You felt the person’s breath down your back sending shivers. Blackhole is definitely not the one behind you since he was back facing you trying to examine the sleeping male. What frightens you the most was the fact that you did not feel any disturbance in the air. So who exactly is this monster behind you?!




“Hueeeee~ What a sight you two have found here!”

You almost turned around and punched him right in the face for scaring you.



<Chapter 5 (Law)                                                                                            Chapter 7 (Urban legends)>

Meta: Cyclone zone – Law

Before you could even react, Blackhole teleport himself next to Dr. Herod, catching both the scientist off guard. He was now sitting on the desk so carefully place that the pen was right next to him. He placed his hand over the pen as he shift a little to make himself comfortable. Probably.

You blink.

The pen is now in your hands.

You blinked again before actually grasping what had just happened. Sometimes you just forget that you are teamed up together with the city’s number one space manipulator. The scientist still have their gaze fixated upon Blackhole. He just smiled at them,tilting his head so ever slightly before tapping on the invisible watch on his wrist. Dr. Herod sprung up from his chair pushing the other scientist out of the room together with him.

“I will call you guys in another time!” his voice trailed off along the hallway.

Your attention is now back onto the pen again. The pen looks like any other ordinary pen! You started twisting and turning to see if anything happens until you heard the frenzied keyboard typing in the background. You looked up to see Blackhole furiously typing something. Naturally you got curious and went to the other side of the desk.









The whole confidential folder is just filled with the status of this subject 001 going on and on. Something is definitely going on within the building and the power developments of the student is just something to cover up the scientists’ true intention. You butted Blackhole sightly making him tensed up a little from that contact. Now it is your turn to attack the keyboard. You feverishly look through the possible location that they could be hiding this subject 001 before you came across the director’s email sent by Dr. Herod. Application to relocate subject 001 to floor 142.

Then it strikes you.

There was no floor 142 on the lift that you came from. Everyone knows that the test care building only has 100 floors which means that there is another lift somewhere… Blackhole who was quietly beside you fiddling with the pen triggered something. Suddenly the back wall parted open revealing a dubious looking metal door.

How convenient.

You turn and look at Blackhole not missing the twinkles in his eyes. Someone is definitely excited. Both of you rushed to the door before you two heard a click on the metal door. Blackhole just went straight to flinging the door open and skipped right inside. The whole thing was basically just like a metal cage, it disturbs you. Blackhole actually lowered his mask and spoke.

“Get in already! Or i am just gonna leave without you!”

The first thing you have heard from him in ages and its about him ditching you. You narrowed eye at him as you stepped into the lift. As you closed the door of the lift, both of you noticed the odd looking box at the back of the lift. Looks like it fits the pen nicely. You grab Blackhole’s hand with the pen and pushed it into the box. The elevator jerked making you lose your balance, falling into Blackhole’s arm.


You looked up and saw his blushing face. Not going to lie, you thought it was adorable. He quickly pushes you away, hiding his face behind his mask again. You giggled a little. Your gaze than went from him to the pen. Your guess is that everyone in the building as access to the different places in the building. Though Dr. Herod’s pen might hold more than just the normal access considering how he is the director for the research of the test subject’s power.

Through the many visit you have come to learn about the so-called law inside in the test care among the scientist, doctors and nurse. Mainly:

1.The doctors are only there to serve as medical aids in case of any emergency. They are not in anyway allowed to question, temper, inject or even remove the powers of the students. If they were to be found doing so they will be beheaded and hung in front of the counter acting a reminder as well as a warning.

You definitely have seen a few heads hanging around the few times you came here. To be honest you actually thought that they were just sculpture until you heard it from Dr. Herod. He basically is very willing to tell you guys about the “open” side of the building. Though his mouth is very much shut when it comes to it being a cover out for something bigger…

2.The nurse are separated into those helping out the doctors and those who works for specific scientist. Naturally, they would not be able to meet with one another. Even the communication with other scientist’s nurse is sometimes prohibited. But you are not really sure of punishment given to them. Though rumor has it that they will have their memories wiped out and they become a test subject themselves.

3.Something that you actually heard from Blackhole is that the scientist also has to exercise caution when sharing information with other scientist. Not all the scientist is involved with the so-called secret agenda behind the scene. It is only a handful of them hand-picked by the head that they are able to participate in the experiment.

4.The forth being the most ridiculous. Any scientist who is found leaking or sharing any of the information about the experiment to the Eyes or the students will have them removed. Permanently. The Eyes are to be kept away from the building at all times. Meeting are to only be done through the screen.

The elevator seem to be coming to a stop has the base of the tunnel comes into view.





You were both surrounded by darkness until the power source is turned on, lighting the path leading to him


<(Chapter 4) Architecture                                                                                  Celebration (Chapter 6)>

Meta : Cyclone zone – Architecture

They called the special tier in again for the third time in two week. You are just so tired of feeling all this needles under your skin for the nth time. The bruises from the previous session just makes them look like love bite and as if this is not giving you enough trouble, there is him. The fact that you are walking around town with him having those bruises created quite a stir.

Despite it all this guy does not even flinch! He still waits for you by your dorm to walk together to the headquarters. The reason he gave was that you might run away and cause problem. Like hell you would! Everyone here came here voluntarily on their own, did he not remember?! This is only the forth time you are meeting him and you cannot help but have the urge to request for an exchange of partner.

His Eyes just giggles every time they see you which pipe your interest in knowing what exactly is blackhole thinking. You glanced up to the masked boy walking beside you. He is perspiring… Why did he even think of waiting for your under the sweltering sun. There is convenience store everywhere, he could have just waited in one of them… The food nutrition on this city is almost non-existence. You can barely find any proper food store here, so you either learn how to cook or you run full speed towards death door—

You brought your finger close to his face and gave it a little whirl blowing cool air onto him. Him who was shock almost realised his power onto you. Feeling the murderous intent, you barely had the time to react, all you could do was close your eyes bracing the impact which never come. Instead you felt a tug on your finger and got pulled along. You hear the loud roaring laughter of his Eyes and yours from the back.

Your eyes fluttered open only to see that blackhole was dragging you along with that one finger. You were trying to hold in your laughter at how awkward yet funny blackhole was. Though among the jokes and laughter, jealousy is brewing within someone behind you.

There it is, the city’s only underground building. It has more than a 100 different levels, inhabited by the scientists and nurses. You have been trying to get past the security for this building for the past few times you were here. Something that really bothered you is that you have no idea how the scanning of the security actually works. They are not scanned by any cards or keys, in fact the door automatically opens for them when whenever they sense them.

The interior however is a whole new different story from the appearance of the building. It never gets old no matter how many times you have seen it already. From the outside, it is just a white concrete with just a glass door between you and this fascinating dreamlike room. The whole place was white and heavily decorated with chandeliers. Behind the reception stood the most stunning piece anyone will ever see. A sculpture of a dragon just “ripping” through the wall accompanied by a tiny human with wings resting on top of its shoulder.The looks of it is so real that you that maybe someone just froze the whole thing right there and then.

You know that its too good to be true that someone could be a full flight animal.The success rate of a human surviving pretty much non existence or so you thought. After signing in at the reception, you bid farewell to your Eyes as they are not allowed to entered into examination room with the both of you. Apparently they have access to every floor on this building too. The scientist did not want any of us using our Eyes to snoop around obviously, but this also tells you that they are definitely hiding something here.

Ding — Floor 60

This floor however gives you the creep. The whole floor is super rundown with dried blood everywhere just splattered down the hallway. It looks like as if a lot of people exploded into pieces but instead of cleaning it up they just left the stains there as if to serve as a warning not to go against your scientist. You unconsciously grabbed onto the rims of blackhole’s shirt as both of you tottered along the dimly lite hallway. There it stood in front of us, a red door but tainted with blood. Blackhole gave a few knock on the door before entering with you.

In contrast to the bloody hallway, Dr. Herod’s office is surrounded by an aquarium. YES AQUARIUM. FISHES AND SHARKS.  Seeing the whole room just somehow instantly calms you down. The cool tone of reflected by the water that cast into the room just makes the whole place dream-like, almost as if you are really underwater. From what you heard, every scientist has a specific theme for their lab. In this case, Dr. Herod just really wanted to be a mermaid at a point, so he thought why not just pretend that he is in the water? You being curious and all asked why mermaid but the reply he gave was that—– He wanted to be handsome looking that is all…

As usual you two sat in the black couch adjacent to the furiously typing Dr. Herod. The whole room is pretty small with just a few shelves on the left and working desk on the right. You sank deeper into the couch waiting for Dr. Herod to start the painful process again when the door flung open. The other scientist came up to Dr. Herod and whisper something into his ears. As you try to tune into what their saying by changing the course of the air in the room, all that you could catch was,

“My …….. bugged… borrow…pen”

You were just super confused with what they were going about when you felt a tap on your hand. You looked at Blackhole and gave him a blank stare before blinking a few times. He nodded in the direction of the table where there it lies a very exquisite looking pen. Then it clicked. The access point.


(Chapter 3) Fashion                                                                                                       Law (Chapter 5)>

Meta : Cyclone zone – Fashion

It has been the 3rd month since you have settled into the city. The weather is starting to turn cold as it approaches the winter season. Today was a rest day for you as someone has busted the sky train yesterday while fighting. The sky train was the only way one could actually travel to the schools around the city, there are no roads that could actually allow cars or buses here. Just when you thought that you could get a breather along the streets today, the scientists issued an order to stay in the dorm for the day to prevent anymore crossfire. You sigh at your rotten luck.

Fayth is just cuddled up next to you enjoying your warmth on the sofa when Kael barged right into the room. “Good morning, my princess!” He proclaimed as he skidded into your view. Fayth and Kael are your assigned protectors, unfortunately. Even though they are fearsome when it comes to fighting, they are not what you would expect them. They are really just sunshine and butterflies, so full of life. One would actually think that they are very strict with you but no, they in fact spoil you a lot.

Kael slide onto the sofa next to you before resting himself onto your lap, which is his so-called favourite pillow. You glanced down at Kael’s clothes before checking out Fayth’s clothes than going back to Kael’s. If only you could have clothes as cool and pretty as theirs. There practically no clothes shops here since we were only allowed to wear our school uniform. The only people that are allowed to wear their own clothes are the Eyes, though they have to wear according to a specific colour.

Since there was only a handful of special tier test subjects, each of our Eyes are given a colour code that correspond to our power. Your Eyes were given the colour white since your power was wind. The white outfit that Kael and Fayth wears just makes them look like angels. That being said us test subject are also paired up with a someone that is the opposite of our own power. This was also to help us balance out our weak point and protect each other if the worse was to come. We will than be given a bracelet that tells us the location of our partner.

Speaking of the bracelet, you got paired up with the worse possible partner ever. Even though you have only met him once, you are just creep out by him. He does not talk much so his Eyes does the talking for him. Since he has been assigned a telepathic protector, he started speaking lesser and lesser. Probably to not bring anymore attention onto him than there already is but then again who does not know the number one most powerful guy on this deserted island. He is known for his notorious power, vacuum and space. Accompanied by his raven clad protectors, code name Blackhole.


< (Chapter 2) Authority                                                                                     Architecture (Chapter 4) >

Meta: Cyclone zone – Authority

Away from your parents, you would think that this is actually a good opportunity to be able to do things that you were normally not allowed to. However, even on this deserted island you have to abide to pretty annoying rules.

Something that you really find particularly weird is the fact that the scientist actually allow us to use our power against each other. It almost seem like the scientist are letting us do the “cleaning” job for them. Considering how this island is for test subject, everyone is given a name according to their power and the intensity of them. You being able to control your wind ability pretty well has been given the nickname, Cyclone. You are just glad to be considered as part of the special tier, that would mean that people need to require special permission to fight you.

The scientists seem to have quite an interest and high expectation on the special tier. Special tier test subjects are ones that seemed to gain a favorable reaction to the formula. Hence, they are to be kept under close supervision by the scientist. Obviously the special treatment given did not leave a good impression on the special tiers. Hence, people would tend to avoid you to create any suspicion or trouble.

That being the case, there is also no such thing as police on the island. The special tier test subjects are assigned 2 protectors, called the Eyes. Your Eyes would be the ones giving you instructions from the scientist you are under. Out of everyone around you, they are the people whom you must obey. Even up against the scientist, you are still required to listen to your Eyes. This is to prevent other scientist from interfering on another scientist’s subject life. The Eyes are also required to protect the subject at all cost.

From what you have gathered so far,before the experiment, they would be given the list of the volunteered students which they would take their pick to cast their bets on. The scientist with the highest rate of success would than in turn be in-charged of this experiment. It seems to you like as if the scientist are treating this whole experiment like a game. Though from what you eavesdropped on your eyes, each of the scientist seem to have a different plan out for the experiment. Being in-charge for this particular experiment would meant that their envision would be the one that is able to go through.

It has 2 months since you have joined this subject testing but yet you still have no luck in extorting information out from your eyes. Even with the fact that they both are relaxed and playful around you, their mouth is sealed up pretty tightly about their higher ups. Somehow the more they hide the information, the more curious you got and disturbed by the fact that there is something way big brewing underneath this quiet patch up.


< (Chapter 1) Home                                                                                               Fashion (Chapter 3) >

Meta: Cyclone zone – Home

The same old routine everyday. You having to wake up to the screaming metal piece that seems to go on forever. You having to use the tiny bristle to brush the residue that might be stuck between your bones. You needing to wear the same clothes as everyone else.

After accepting to be one of the ‘test subject’ for this educational program that could somewhat change your world, or so that was what the scientists said at the mass conference. The entire program was to test out about this formula created by the scientist that would actually give us human super powers which was said to be a plausible beneficial growth in being able to sustain planet earth better. The students would be granted a fully paid life on the island. However, there is a catch. Even though some of the people may get amazing power, others might not even have any reaction to it. Hence, depending on the power you get, the treatment to which how great your power is will indefinitely affect how much more better you get treated.

You wanting to change the pacing of your life decided to try out for this dubious experiment. You thought that maybe having powers would mean not having to sit inside a concrete box and listen to boring lecture all day but no. Everything was exactly the same as it was. The only other thing that actually changed was the fact that you managed to gain a pretty high tier power from the formula. Sadly, it was not like your power affected your life in any other interesting way possible.

You stood out like a sore thumb in school because of the power you have gained. It seems like the power you have gained is one of the rarer few that people managed to obtained. Also, you did not make friends with anyone in particular since they always try to get lose to you for a no-good reason. It was not like you hated your new life but you were just expecting something more interesting like actual combats and all. Instead, all they have was just endless theory lesson on the powers but no practical lesson where they would actually encourage you to try out the powers.

It was finally lunch time, you went up to your usual hangout spot at the top of the building. You have somewhat claimed the roof as your own space, so no one can actually disturb you except probably the two “monkeys” that is assigned to you. Your school being in the middle of the island is also possibly on one of the highest vantage point on the island. The view from your classroom basically expands all the way across the city and the vast sea surrounding the island.

This experimental island called  Soc!ety, which you now thought of it as your new home. Is it really all that it is to this simple test that would actually benefit the society in the long run? Or is it actually something menacing that the scientist are actually plotting from behind the scene.

< Story world                                                                                                         Authority (Chapter 2) >

Meta: Research, character and environment

For assignment one, we are supposed to write a character based off someone else’s character. But me being the type of person who does not like to read nor do I have any interesting character that I like to based off on, I guess creating my own character is the best choice i got.

What type of character? The personality of the characters? The world that the character will be in? The time in which the character will appear in? The future, past or present? The type of narration I want it to be in. Will there be many characters or just mainly that one character?

The type of world:

I was thinking of doing a doing a post-modern society. Maybe about doing a society about the different type of class. They will be on a separate island that is specifically there to keep their ‘willing’ test subjects. Somehow the science side of the society has managed to developed on some formula that can allow humans to have powers. However, each person reacts differently to the formula.

They could go from being super powerful to even having no reaction to the formula. Since something being ‘educational’ is easier to convince people of it being ‘safe’ and ‘beneficial’. The scientist could maybe push forward an educational system on that particular island to test their formula on the subject.

Students can volunteer themselves for the school education, with no special background or what so ever is required. However, there will be different grades or types of school to separate the test subjects for the better or the worse. This is to ensure that the school is able to provide the correct assessment for the different type of students.

There is bigger a agenda which let to the creation of the formula by the scientist but no spoilers.

Main character:

The main character is probably going to be a female. Her power would be most likely quite in the higher range. Like the cliche powerful main character in almost every other story out there  but I already thought of something that will explain why I made her a kind of powerful character but not going to write it here first.

I might actually draw her out to help with the visualizing of the character more.

Still thinking of the type of power to give her. Wind, it shall be for her power. I will say more on the next chapter. I guess i gave her wind because I am just feeling hot at the moment, if I had wind power that would be great. Might make her personality something with a twist. A pretty mundane person who actually likes to something— I am not really sure what but I will work it out as it progress.


Type of narration:

Might try out the 2nd person point of view or 1st person. I need to take note of tone for the character need to take note.

Home (Chapter 1) >