Meta: Cyclone zone – Law

Before you could even react, Blackhole teleport himself next to Dr. Herod, catching both the scientist off guard. He was now sitting on the desk so carefully place that the pen was right next to him. He placed his hand over the pen as he shift a little to make himself comfortable. Probably.

You blink.

The pen is now in your hands.

You blinked again before actually grasping what had just happened. Sometimes you just forget that you are teamed up together with the city’s number one space manipulator. The scientist still have their gaze fixated upon Blackhole. He just smiled at them,tilting his head so ever slightly before tapping on the invisible watch on his wrist. Dr. Herod sprung up from his chair pushing the other scientist out of the room together with him.

“I will call you guys in another time!” his voice trailed off along the hallway.

Your attention is now back onto the pen again. The pen looks like any other ordinary pen! You started twisting and turning to see if anything happens until you heard the frenzied keyboard typing in the background. You looked up to see Blackhole furiously typing something. Naturally you got curious and went to the other side of the desk.









The whole confidential folder is just filled with the status of this subject 001 going on and on. Something is definitely going on within the building and the power developments of the student is just something to cover up the scientists’ true intention. You butted Blackhole sightly making him tensed up a little from that contact. Now it is your turn to attack the keyboard. You feverishly look through the possible location that they could be hiding this subject 001 before you came across the director’s email sent by Dr. Herod. Application to relocate subject 001 to floor 142.

Then it strikes you.

There was no floor 142 on the lift that you came from. Everyone knows that the test care building only has 100 floors which means that there is another lift somewhere… Blackhole who was quietly beside you fiddling with the pen triggered something. Suddenly the back wall parted open revealing a dubious looking metal door.

How convenient.

You turn and look at Blackhole not missing the twinkles in his eyes. Someone is definitely excited. Both of you rushed to the door before you two heard a click on the metal door. Blackhole just went straight to flinging the door open and skipped right inside. The whole thing was basically just like a metal cage, it disturbs you. Blackhole actually lowered his mask and spoke.

“Get in already! Or i am just gonna leave without you!”

The first thing you have heard from him in ages and its about him ditching you. You narrowed eye at him as you stepped into the lift. As you closed the door of the lift, both of you noticed the odd looking box at the back of the lift. Looks like it fits the pen nicely. You grab Blackhole’s hand with the pen and pushed it into the box. The elevator jerked making you lose your balance, falling into Blackhole’s arm.


You looked up and saw his blushing face. Not going to lie, you thought it was adorable. He quickly pushes you away, hiding his face behind his mask again. You giggled a little. Your gaze than went from him to the pen. Your guess is that everyone in the building as access to the different places in the building. Though Dr. Herod’s pen might hold more than just the normal access considering how he is the director for the research of the test subject’s power.

Through the many visit you have come to learn about the so-called law inside in the test care among the scientist, doctors and nurse. Mainly:

1.The doctors are only there to serve as medical aids in case of any emergency. They are not in anyway allowed to question, temper, inject or even remove the powers of the students. If they were to be found doing so they will be beheaded and hung in front of the counter acting a reminder as well as a warning.

You definitely have seen a few heads hanging around the few times you came here. To be honest you actually thought that they were just sculpture until you heard it from Dr. Herod. He basically is very willing to tell you guys about the “open” side of the building. Though his mouth is very much shut when it comes to it being a cover out for something bigger…

2.The nurse are separated into those helping out the doctors and those who works for specific scientist. Naturally, they would not be able to meet with one another. Even the communication with other scientist’s nurse is sometimes prohibited. But you are not really sure of punishment given to them. Though rumor has it that they will have their memories wiped out and they become a test subject themselves.

3.Something that you actually heard from Blackhole is that the scientist also has to exercise caution when sharing information with other scientist. Not all the scientist is involved with the so-called secret agenda behind the scene. It is only a handful of them hand-picked by the head that they are able to participate in the experiment.

4.The forth being the most ridiculous. Any scientist who is found leaking or sharing any of the information about the experiment to the Eyes or the students will have them removed. Permanently. The Eyes are to be kept away from the building at all times. Meeting are to only be done through the screen.

The elevator seem to be coming to a stop has the base of the tunnel comes into view.





You were both surrounded by darkness until the power source is turned on, lighting the path leading to him


<(Chapter 4) Architecture                                                                                  Celebration (Chapter 6)>

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