Meta : Cyclone zone – Celebration

There he sleeps. So soundly surrounded by the fluid and tubes that encircles him. Time to time he released air bubbles that resounded through the whole space, telling one that he is indeed alive. His mutated clones seemed to be accompanying him in the lonely and unsettling room. It appears as if the scientist were trying to test on him by working on the clones in order not to hurt the main body.

You look at the male in front of you, trailing down the silky skin until you noticed something peculiar about his legs. You dashed forward plastering yourself onto the glass trying to get a clearer view of his legs when you heard curses behind you.

“Shit… Cyclone, we are so screwed…”

You snapped back and found Blackhole holding onto a thick folder, titled Subject D… It was the same ID you saw from the listing on Dr. Herod’s computer. This time you skidded towards him, grabbing onto his arms to get a peek at the folder. You were too deep into your thoughts trying to read the information that you did not feel the uncomfortable being beside you. Blackhole tried to clear his throat to get your attention but that you were too in the zone to notice. He sighs.

As much as you get onto his nerves, you make him want to care for you still. His hand seem to have reacted on it’s own pushing the fallen hair behind your ears. You flinched away feeling the sudden coldness on your ear before realising what just happened. Turning your head towards Blackhole, he was shock by himself too.

“No! I didn’t mean to! I- I— Dammit…”

He preyed your hand apart from his arm and took a step away from you. Now you are just getting really annoyed with him.

“Get yourself together! We aren’t on a date now or anything.”


Before Blackhole even got a chance to protest, you grab the folder from him and started flipping through more of the of the pages. It was the comments at the bottom of each page that captured your attention.

He was the breakthrough we have been searching for all this years. The other subjects were basically useless. Imagine all the other possible power we can create through the same method. For now he must sleep, until the day he is perfected. Till another miracle comes along, we must protect our specimen at all cost.

Today is officially the start of test subject enrollment, hopefully there would be a suitable body. All the appeals and advertisements have finally paid off, she does not know a thing. We must keep the specimen away from the key at all cost. Until he is completed, she is to be kept away at all times.

The enrollment ended, there was only a female that fitted the criteria. Everyday the specimen is growing stronger but he is also closer to waking up. We must keep a close eye on her, she would be another key to our breakthrough. Another power that would be under our control. Before that we must decide on someone to clean up the mess.

It is finally the beginning for the celebration of the great roar. Everyone thinks that the dragon is just a lucky figure for this project to empower them in pushing through. Have themselves improving on their so-called power in order to seal their well provided future. But in reality it was just a remainder for us maniacs to keep track on our main objective.

I am starting to question this celebration and our main objective. Both of them are continuing to make progression and everyone else are still believing in the lies. When will all our misery end? Maybe if I just release her and eliminate everyone on this land the dark truth will be washed away. Forgotten.

You were obviously very confused after reading through the transcript. The grand celebration that everyone has always been looking forward to is actually a lie? The amazing dragon which helped everyone go through the dark times on this city is just a lie. Also who is this test subject that actually fitted their criteria and needed to be cleaned up after?

There was just too many questions flooding your mind right now. You took a step back only to bump into someone. You felt the person’s breath down your back sending shivers. Blackhole is definitely not the one behind you since he was back facing you trying to examine the sleeping male. What frightens you the most was the fact that you did not feel any disturbance in the air. So who exactly is this monster behind you?!




“Hueeeee~ What a sight you two have found here!”

You almost turned around and punched him right in the face for scaring you.



<Chapter 5 (Law)                                                                                            Chapter 7 (Urban legends)>

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