colour theory


Interaction of Colour/Josef Albers: App Trailer

“Colour is the first step in making great art.”

FINALLY. We get to touch on colours for this project. I love colours and I cant agree more with the quote above (im not saying that we can’t make great art in b&w too).

Beautiful beautiful colours. In this project, we are asked to study and use the different colour harmonies in our design.

Monochromes Harmony

Analogous Harmony

Analogous Harmony Warm and Cool

Complementary Hues

Split Complementary


88d5f9a2bf10a18a74f463a4ef1fdc13 7b505fb0ef131c152eaf13a5514e0f4d 7f110e5d61a069174c423c864fcef453 2638d438e5f7fcadeacca3bb25c15f5f

these are some examples from Josef Albers Interaction of Colours book. SO BEAUTIFUL.

Monochromes Harmony

Colours in a monochromes harmony palette basically means colours that share a single hue, but vary in brightness and saturation.

For example –


This is a palette of a monochromatic palette of the colour red. “Same same but different”.

Analogous Harmony

Analogous colour schemes are colours that are next to each other on the color wheel.

For example in this colour wheel –


these are some examples of analogous colours.

colours that are next each other on the colour wheel.


They usually match well and create serene and comfortable designs.

Analogous color schemes are often found in nature (eg, autumn) and are harmonious and pleasing to the eye.

It is best if there is enough contrast when choosing an analogous color scheme.

Choose one color to dominate, a second to support. The third color is used (along with black, white or gray) as an accent.


Analogous Harmony Warm and Cool


Analogous Harmony Warm is generally colours that are next to each other but of a warm colour scheme (orange, yellow, red, light green).

Analogous Harmony Cool is the same but of a cool colour scheme (dark green, blue, purple).



Complementary Hues

Colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel.

The high contrast of complementary colors creates a vibrant look especially when used at full saturation. This color scheme must be managed well so it is not jarring.

Complementary color schemes are tricky to use in large doses, but work well when you want something to stand out.

Complementary colors are really bad for text.

Some examples of complementary hues –



Split Complementary

The split-complementary color scheme is a variation of the complementary color scheme. In addition to the base color, it uses the two colors adjacent to its complement.

This color scheme has the same strong visual contrast as the complementary color scheme, but has less tension.

Some examples of split complementary colours –



This colour study has been a PURPLE-SEFUL (geddit geddit?) one.

Looking forward to applying them to my future designs!