Themed presentation- Health care


  • Use technologies to maintain and improve health via the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease, illness, injury, and other physical and mental impairments in human beings.
  • Health care contributes a significant part of a country’s economy.
  • Health care promotes the general physical and mental health and well-being
  • This includes professionals in medicine,psychology, physiotherapy, nursing, dentistry
  • reduce manpower in hospitals.

Case studies

  • Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a long-term disorder of the central nervous system that affects the motor system.
  • Early in the disease, the most obvious are shaking, rigidity, slowness of movement, and difficulty with walking.
  • People with violent tremors often won’t go out to restaurants, or dine with friends, because of their affliction. There’s a loss of independence and dignity because if they do, they’re spilling everywhere. People with tremors won’t go out because it’s embarrassing, and that leads to social isolation.
  • New  technology -Human-centric devices reduce manpower.

Analysis / Critiques or the case studies

  1. A Glove That Helps Parkinson’s Patients Do More With Their Hands

The GyroGlove controls essential hand tremors using the same technology that stabilizes the International Space Station.

  • the GyroGlove, straps gyroscopic stabilizers on the back of a patient’s hand
  • reduce hand tremors by up to 90%.
  • It’s wearable health care device.

2. A Spoon Helps Parkinson’s Patients Feed Themselves


  • Inside every Liftware handle is a number of common motion sensors, the type that you might find in your iPhone or digital camera. Each of these sensors measures motion, then passes it through a small microcontroller that uses custom algorithms to analyze the signal and identify the type of tremor being detected. If the motion has the frequency and amplitude of a large human tremor, the Liftware microprocessor will tell actuators in the handle to adjust the handle’s attachment in the opposite direction of the tremor, hopefully canceling it out.
  • Need to recharge batteries. Not wearable, Only can use it when you are eating.

3. This “wearable robot” helps restore people’s hand functions.


  • The next step / New Trends / Blue sky future
    • From the case studies, people to manage their own health care more conveniently and independently (and inexpensively).
    • Wearable health care devices, small, personalized devices.

  • Assistive technologies are prosthetic devices (e.g. artificial arms or legs) or orthotic devices (e.g., leg braces, shoe inserts). Reduce manpower.

Image result for kitchen robot

  • Speech synthesis- visual impairments or reading disabilities to listen to written works on a home computer.
