First FYP session of the semester. So, here are the things I’ll be looking at to kick off production:

  • Geographic maps, illustrated maps: I could map out the narrative of the book in a pictorial form (I don’t know what this could look like at the moment), I could map the family tree of the twins and a map of the five rivers of Hades. The map of the constellation of Gemini may also be relevant.
This is the map of the twins’ family tree from Astrid’s giant book of Greek mythological family trees.
The constellation of Gemini the Twins. I honestly don’t know how this is supposed to look like twins. I’ve never seen a constellation that actually looks like what it says it’s supposed to be.
Kind of a disgusting-looking map, but it might help me visualise my map better.
Kind of a disgusting-looking map, but it might help me visualise my map better.
  • As for visuals, I could look at Victorian broadsheets (Paul), 1930s film noir/detective agency typewriter looks (The Mystery Guild), and the Wiener Werkstätte.



Note to self: House Of Leaves-style typography
Note to self: House Of Leaves-style typography


Author: Lesley

part-time jaeger pilot

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