Card deck progress

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I might rework some of these cards next semester but I’m quite happy with my progress so far. I’m aiming to finish 24 by the end of October, and use November and December to focus on refining the deck, the system and the book. I think I’m in a somewhat more settled place, and I’ve been using my time to work on compositions that play with 2D space and make reference to Harry Clarke and Aubrey Beardsley.

Some of my friends were really excited about the cards because they’re quite fond of Greek mythology too. One of my friends really liked the Persephone card (the composition and the sneaky skeletal Hades hand), so that reaffirmed my belief in my FYP and in the concept I’m pursuing. I still want to think about special printing after reading Neil Gaiman’s The Sleeper And The Spindle again – Chris Riddell’s illustrations are printed in black and white with gold as an accent and I’d love to know if that’s viable for me. I’m still quite taken with black and white because of Harry Clarke.

Author: Lesley

part-time jaeger pilot

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