Creepy ocean babes

IMG_7949 IMG_8043I’ve been inspired by survival horror and weird anatomy lately as well as The Resurrectionist and Japanese erotica. I’ve been trying to synthesize all those influences to get into a drawing mood that can effectively carry most of my project, because honestly I just want to spend most of it drawing and creating.

I have this interest in strange deep-sea creatures (anything bizarre found in nature floats my boat) and after talking to one of my friends yesterday it helped me crystallize the kind of feeling I’m going for in my drawings, the tension between the beautiful and grotesque, as opposed to making something purely beautiful or purely grotesque. I don’t know yet about how it relates to duality or Greek mythology but somehow I believe that in these early stages I should just let myself wander a little before I buckle down and focus.

Author: Lesley

part-time jaeger pilot

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