The Resurrectionist by EB Hudspeth

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I got my hands on a copy of The Resurrectionist by EB Hudspeth recently and this book exemplifies something of the direction I’d like to move in with regard to my FYP. The book incorporates the fictional biography of a mad scientist of sorts alongside the (also fictional) scientist’s codex into this wonderfully dark tome that makes you want to believe in the existence of the implausible creatures it presents.

The anatomical drawings are so inspiring and again there’s that tension between reality and fantasy (which to me is also an aspect of duality) which is what I’d like to incorporate in my storytelling in my project as well.

So far, I’ve only got a couple of things down: storytelling (stories within stories, blurring of reality and fantasy, mythology, bizarre anatomy/body horror.

Author: Lesley

part-time jaeger pilot

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